
5 Ways to Manage Your Mind During IVF

Your fertility journey is just that-an expedition into the unknown that results in something you’ve always dreamed of-growing your family. When you pursue IVF you and your partner may find yourselves fraught with emotions. The roller coaster of emotions is only enhanced by your fertility medications. One minute your outlook is positive and focused on […]

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The Ultimate Guide to Healthy Eating While Going Through IVF

Eating healthy foods is one of the best forms of self-care around. Feeding your body wholesome and nourishing foods helps ward off obesity, certain diseases and chronic conditions such as hypertension and diabetes. What’s more you just feel better when your body is well-nourished by the right foods. There’s no more important time to adhere […]

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5 Stretches All Pregnant Mothers Should Be Doing

Pregnancy takes a toll on your body, no doubt. Sciatica and back pain are extremely common at this time. Staying limber helps alleviate the pain and lowers risks for injury. One of the best and easiest ways to stay limber is by stretching. And, as a bonus, stretching your muscles, tendons and ligaments provides relief […]

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Popular Smart Fitness Home Gym Classes and Your Fertility

Premium home workout equipment, aka Smart Gyms, exploded in popularity during the pandemic and the trend doesn’t seem to be dying down. The ease of having necessary equipment just a few steps away, combined with fun, exciting trainers means you’re more apt to workout. And your virtual classes run the gamut, including everything from boxing […]

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Too Much of A Good Thing? Vitamins and Supplements Need Doctor’s Approval

Peruse social media, open a magazine or turn on the TV and you’re bound to see and hear someone pushing supplements, vitamin, mineral and herbal. These supplements promise to restore your vitality, make your hair and nails grow like crazy, improve your skin and restore your libido. And that’s just the advertisements. Plenty of talk […]

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Exercise, Mental Health and Pregnancy: What You Need to Know

Regular physical activity is one of the best ways to banish the blues, feel energized and relieve stress. No matter your fitness level or your skill set a quick 30-minute workout improves your mood and your quality of life. When you’re pregnant a daily fitness break becomes more crucial to your physical and mental wellbeing. […]

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Stress and IVF: How to Combat It

Anxiety and stress are common emotions during any pregnancy. It seems as though you and your partner are in constant “worry mode.” Will the baby be ok? Will you be able to handle childbirth? Are you financially and emotionally ready to raise your child? These and many other concerns go round and round in your […]

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These 6 Exercises Will Help You Keep in Shape During Pregnancy

Congratulations! You’re pregnant! The good news is your baby is growing inside your uterus and no amount of normal exercise is going to change that. In fact, especially for those who have a practice of regular exercise, be it running, yoga, biking, swimming or even strength training, maintaining your regular workouts for the duration of […]

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Adenomyosis. Does It Impact Fertility?

Adenomyosis is a condition that impacts the lives of as many as one-third of child-bearing aged women in the US, although some reports state as many as 70% of all women may have this excruciating condition. Adenomyosis presents with symptoms that include painful, heavy periods, abnormally lengthy periods, pronounced pelvic pain and painful intercourse. Adenomyosis […]

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I Have Low Egg Reserve. What Should I Do?

A woman is born carrying all of the eggs she will ever have, approximately one-two million. As she matures and enters puberty about one-third of the eggs remain. Unfertilized eggs collapse in the pelvis or the fallopian tubes each month and two weeks before the menstrual period begins. A fertilized egg implants 7 days after […]

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