
Category: IVF Treatment

IVF Babies: Birth Week, Health Tips & the Process Explained

Pregnancies conceived through IVF carry a slightly higher-than-average risk for birth before 40 weeks, the normal gestation term. Babies born before 37 weeks are preterm, but not necessarily premature. Most of the brain and lung development occurs rapidly toward the end of gestation. Doctors monitor babies’ development and tend toward early, but safe delivery for […]

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5 Insights About IVF Soon to Be Parents Want to Know Most

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a form of assisted reproductive technology used for treating infertility. When you’re diagnosed with infertility, you and your doctor address the issues and, if possible, examine your treatment opportunities. IVF is a common treatment for many issues impacting your ability to conceive. But, if you aren’t familiar with the procedure […]

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Can OTC Medications Be Harmful During IVF?

Those undergoing IVF do everything possible to ensure a successful outcome. For some people that means giving up certain vices like alcohol, coffee and fast food. Others may embrace the healthiest diet choices, switch to organic produce and give up any known inflammatory foods like red meat. But what about OTC medications? What do you […]

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Ready to Explore IVF? Do These 7 Things First

If you’re like most people, you reel a bit after a diagnosis of infertility. But then you begin investigating your options. One of those options, IVF, isn’t for everyone and, depending on your diagnosis, may or may not address your needs. But, for many couples and individuals IVF offers a successful option to grow their […]

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9 Tips to Prepare Mentally & Physically for Your IVF Journey

It’s been said that IVF is a marathon and not a sprint. Sprints rely on quick bursts of energy and thought and are over in seconds. A marathon, on the other hand, is long, arduous and calls on a lot more inner reserve, both physically and mentally. You may think you can’t go on, but […]

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How to Know It’s Time to Seek Professional Fertility Guidance

When you’re trying to conceive and it just isn’t happening you may question your fertility. And as you consider the future fate of your ability to conceive you may wonder if it’s time you and your partner seek professional fertility guidance. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, experts recommend an infertility evaluation […]

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Endometriosis: Signs & Fertility Implications

People generally recognize endometriosis as a painful and somewhat debilitating condition. Endometriosis often causes heavy bleeding and intense cramping in females of childbearing age. There are also other symptoms but it may surprise you that around 25% of those females who suffer the condition are asymptomatic, meaning they have no identifiable symptoms. Most couples receive […]

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4 Tips for Choosing the Right IVF Clinic

Choosing the right IVF clinic involves doing some homework. It certainly isn’t a choice you make without some research. Dealing with infertility is a multifaceted undertaking. There are so many factors you and your partner must consider. And while your physical health is a major part of your journey through infertility, you should consider your […]

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4 Topics to Discuss As a Couple Before Moving Forward with IVF

When you undergo treatment for infertility in order to conceive there are so many decisions and factors along the way. And it can be taxing even if the journey is a relatively smooth one. Going through the experience with a partner may take a toll on your relationship. That’s why it’s best you discuss things […]

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How Fertility Treatments May Affect Your Job

Navigating infertility and treatment isn’t exactly all smooth sailing. Between medications, countless appointments and all else that pertains to your particular journey you likely feel completely overwhelmed. While both partners invest deeply in the outcome it’s primarily the female who carries the pregnancy and endures many of the hormonal and emotional ups and downs along […]

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