As reproductive medicine advances, more couples and individuals take advantage of the countless benefits, especially when it comes to egg freezing. Once reserved for those whose fertility was medically compromised because of cancer treatment or something similar, egg freezing in El Segundo now offers every woman an opportunity to preserve their fertility.

So just what is egg freezing and what are the benefits? And who qualifies for egg freezing? Here we take a look at the process and delve into the many advantages of egg freezing in El Segundo.


How Does Egg Freezing in El Segundo Work?

Egg freezing is also known as oocyte cryopreservation. Before you know if egg freezing in El Segundo is right for you, you should understand what’s involved. That way you and your partner have all you need before you make the decision to move forward.


  • Consultation with Fertility Specialist: You’ll begin with an initial consultation at which time your doctor takes a medical history, finds out about any underlying conditions you may have and discusses your goals for having a family. Your doctor tests for ovarian reserve, so you’ll have an idea of your egg count and how many eggs they may retrieve for cryopreservation. The testing involves a blood test and an ultrasound.


  • Ovarian Stimulation: Your doctor prescribes a series of hormonal medications designed for ovarian stimulation. This helps your ovaries mature many eggs at one time. Normally your body matures and releases one egg each month. When you freeze your eggs, you want several mature eggs so your odds for success, when the time comes, are excellent.


  • Egg Retrieval: You attend a series of appointments over the next ten or so days and your doctor monitors your egg development. Once the doctor determines the time is right you’re given a trigger injection and scheduled for egg retrieval within the following 35 hours. The doctor retrieves the eggs while you’re under sedation. They use a very thin needle guided by ultrasound inserted through the vagina and aspirate the eggs. Egg retrieval is an outpatient procedure and you’ll recover at home. You may experience some cramping for a day or two but the procedure isn’t painful.


  • Egg Freezing in El Segundo: Once your doctor retrieves the eggs they are sent to the lab where a technician examines them for viability. Egg freezing takes place using a method that preserves the cells and keeps them until you decide the time is right for a baby.


The Best Candidate for Egg Freezing

According to the NIH, most doctors generally recommend egg freezing in El Segundo for females under the age of 37. That provides the best quality eggs and, typically, more eggs for retrieval. Ultimately, however, your doctor determines your egg freezing eligibility. Every female is different, and women in their 40s may find they have sufficient ovarian reserve for egg freezing.


The Benefits of Egg Freezing in El Segundo

There are many reasons females opt for egg freezing in El Segundo. We’ve touched on the egg freezing option for those females of reproductive age going through chemotherapy as cancer treatment or other treatment for an illness that leaves them infertile such as a hysterectomy. Now that egg freezing is more readily available and has higher success rates women benefit from egg freezing in El Segundo in many ways. Here are the top six benefits of egg freezing.


  1. Fertility Preservation: As women near menopause their egg quality and quantity diminishes. Freezing your eggs when you’re younger offers a safeguard for your fertility.


  1. Flexible Family Planning: Just because your eggs are ready doesn’t always mean you are. Many women set career goals, life goals, education and personal growth as priority. When you freeze your eggs your biological clock no longer ticks so loudly. The pressure falls away and you’re much less stressed.


  1. Advances in Assisted Reproductive Technology: Advances in the technology surrounding the egg freezing process mean greater success rates for future IVF. The rapid freezing process (vitrification) helps ensure better survival rates and fewer cases of cell damage to the eggs. The process also lowers risks associated with thawing and their viability for fertilization through IVF.


  1. Improves Your IVF Odds for Success: Cryogenically preserved eggs increase your success rate for further IVF. Because you’re of a younger age your eggs are healthier and better quality. Even just a few years makes a difference. By freezing your eggs when you’re under 37 you mitigate the risk of diminished ovarian reserve related to age.


  1. Empowerment: You are in control. Maybe you aren’t ready for a baby just yet. You may want an established and secure career, a solid relationship, a home or whatever else you’ve imagined for yourself before you bring a baby into your family. Egg freezing in El Segundo affords you that opportunity.


  1. Peace of Mind: When you freeze your eggs, you provide yourself with peace of mind. You needn’t rush your plans for a family. You can take your time, achieve your goals and relax. As a female you may feel pressured by biology. That adds a significant amount of stress and impacts your emotional wellbeing. Knowing you’ve preserved your fertility through egg freezing takes a lot off of your shoulders.


The Top Choice in El Segundo

There are so. Many benefits to egg freezing in El Segundo. Find out if you’re a good candidate for freezing your eggs or reach out with any fertility concerns when you schedule a consultation with LA IVF. We’re the top choice for egg freezing in El Segundo.