
6 Misconceptions About Pasadena Egg Freezing, Debunked

There’s a saying that goes “if you’re waiting for the right time it may never happen”. While that adage applies to many things in life it certainly seems right for those who want a baby-just not right now. Unfortunately, your body and your life goals don’t always align and that old biological clock ticks louder with each passing year.

That’s why egg freezing is such a wonderful option for couples and individuals in Pasadena. In fact, Pasadena egg freezing is the answer for those who aren’t quite ready, haven’t yet achieved their career goals or who simply want the right partner with whom to share such a monumental life event.

Debunking the Top 6 Pasadena Egg Freezing Misconceptions

There are so many entirely personal reasons for considering oocyte cryopreservation or egg freezing. And there are so many misconceptions surrounding Pasadena egg freezing. Here we debunk the six most common myths and misconceptions about freezing your eggs.

1. Egg Freezing is Still Experimental/Too New

Pasadena egg freezing began a few decades ago and has only improved. In 2005, with the introduction of a process known as vitrification, egg freezing became significantly more successful and popular. Vitrification fast freezes the eggs preserving their viability. When you’re ready your doctor, using IVF, defrosts the egg(s) and fertilizes them using your partner’s sperm. Your doctor then transfers the resulting embryo for implantation in your uterus.

In the past egg freezing doctors offered egg freezing under special circumstances, such as a young female facing chemotherapy which may impact fertility. Today more and more females opt for egg freezing, postponing parenthood and focusing on achieving life goals.

2. Egg Freezing is Dangerous to Your Fertility

There’s a wildly false misconception that the egg freezing process harms your fertility, uses up all of your eggs or causes early onset menopause. But science, moreover biology, does not agree!

When you’re born, you have all of the eggs you’ll ever have. Although, it is a finite number of eggs, it runs in the millions. When you begin ovulating, your body typically produces one egg per cycle. If the egg remains unfertilized, you shed it along with your uterine lining during your period.

If you opt for Pasadena egg freezing, your doctor prescribes a hormonal medication so your body matures more than the usual single egg. By maturing multiple eggs at one time, you can bank a fair number for the future. Just as with natural ovulation, not every egg is viable so by freezing multiple eggs your chances for success improve.

Pasadena egg freezing in no way compromises your fertility. The hormonal medications do not promote early menopause and even after maturing several eggs at once you still have many eggs left.

3. Pasadena Egg Freezing Hurts

As with any surgical procedure you may experience discomfort. Early discomfort comes from the slight inflammation caused by hormonal medication or pronounced PMS-like symptoms also caused by medication. Although rare, these side effects may occur. Injections of the medications may be uncomfortable, especially if you aren’t fond of needles. If that is the case, mention it to your doctor.

When your doctor retrieves the eggs, they use a process called aspiration. It’s relatively painless however you’re given anesthesia and monitored for pain. You may experience some cramping for a day or two following the egg retrieval.

4. It’s Time Consuming to Freeze Your Eggs

Count on a slightly disrupted schedule during your Pasadena egg freezing process. You’ll need appointments for medication, monitoring your egg development, and you’ll need a day or two of rest following egg retrieval. After that you’ll resume normal activities.

Freezing your eggs requires a small amount of time investment. One Pasadena egg freezing cycle takes just a few weeks, but provides so much more by way of peace of mind.

5. Egg Freezing Ensures Future Pregnancy

Pregnancy depends on all things aligning optimally whether you use cryogenically preserved eggs or not. The health of the sperm, your age, your uterine lining, and the chromosomal health of the resulting embryo all influence conception and pregnancy. According to a study published by the NIH, the average pregnancy rate using previously frozen eggs was 48%.

6. Pasadena Egg Freezing is Only For Young Women

Certainly, the younger your eggs the healthier, but that doesn’t restrict egg freezing to females under 35. There is no cut off age limit for freezing your eggs. But do keep in mind that younger eggs are more viable and plentiful. As you get closer to menopause your fertility declines so the sooner you freeze your eggs the better.

Thinking About Pasadena Egg Freezing?

If you’re waiting for the right time for Pasadena egg freezing it’s now! Please reach out to LA IVF in Pasadena, California, and let’s discuss your options today. Our caring and compassionate staff offers experience and knowledge and we can’t wait to talk with you about egg freezing or any fertility concerns you may have. Contact LA IVF today.