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Category: Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)

Ready to Explore IVF? Do These 7 Things First

If you’re like most people, you reel a bit after a diagnosis of infertility. But then you begin investigating your options. One of those options, IVF, isn’t for everyone and, depending on your diagnosis, may or may not address your needs. But, for many couples and individuals IVF offers a successful option to grow their […]

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What’s AI got to do with IVF?

Artificial Intelligence or AI is all over the news these days. While it can’t do everything human beings do (yet!) some of what AI does is very impressive. For instance, AI helps teachers in the classroom by taking on rudimentary tasks and freeing up the teacher to work with students. AI can provide a menu […]

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Unexplained Infertility. What Can Be Done?

So, you and your partner are trying to conceive, and it’s taking much longer than you thought. After a year of trying to grow your family without success (6 months if you’re over 35) it’s time for some answers. But those answers may not be as clear cut as you want.    Unexplained Infertility  According […]

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Egg Freezing and IVF in California: What’s Covered by Insurance

Egg Freezing and IVF in California: What’s Covered by Insurance

There are roughly one in ten women in the US undergoing fertility treatment today. Couples seek treatment for their fertility struggles after trying to conceive for 12 consecutive months with no success (6 months for those women over 35). Common treatments range from hormonal stimulation to encourage egg development to intrauterine insemination and assisted reproductive […]

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How Acupuncture Complements Your Fertility Treatment

When it comes to assisted reproductive technology (ART) doctors and researchers strive to come up with new, innovative and successful techniques to support treatment such as IVF. The goal is to improve your chances for a positive outcome and help you achieve your dream of growing your family. Modern medicine is chock-full of treatments for […]

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