Endometriosis – An Overview
What is it? Endometriosis is an estrogen-dependent disease characterized by the presence of endometrial tissue located outside of the uterus. It has been estimated to affect up to 10% of reproductive aged women and as high as 25-50% of women with pelvic pain and/or unexplained infertility1,2. Endometrial implants can range from 1 mm superficial peritoneal […]
Should I Use Donor Eggs Or Try IVF With My Eggs?
Using eggs from a younger donor can contribute to IVF success and significantly improve a woman’s chances of pregnancy. This is because the age of the egg is, in many cases, a more important factor than the age of the woman (if considered separately than her eggs) in influencing the likelihood of success from IVF […]
Do Fibroids Affect Fertility?
Fibroids can affect fertility more commonly than once thought and frequently co-exist in many patients with the diagnosis of infertility. The types of fibroids most likely to cause reproductive problems are large fibroids (diameter greater than 4 centimeters) or those that are located inside the uterine cavity regardless of their size. Because every case is […]
Celiac Disease, Gluten Allergy, Recurrent Miscarriage and Infertility:

Celiac disease is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the intestine with varying degrees of gluten intolerance and may be associated with recurrent miscarriage and infertility. Gluten insensitivity or allergy may not cause significant intestinal inflammation as in the case of celiac disease and its impact on fertility is most likely not significant. Common complaints with […]
Reproductive Age and Fertility Outcome
Women are born with a finite number of eggs (1-2 million in both ovaries at birth) and at the time of puberty the total number decreases to approximately 500,000. At age 37, there are approximately 25,000 eggs left in the ovaries and less than 500 at the time of menopause. A monthly process of using […]
Clomid Challenge Test
In order to evaluate ovarian function or ovarian reserve, clomiphene citrate challenge test (CCCT) has been used in fertility practice over the years. CCCT can better predict individual response to ovarian stimulation compared to FSH test alone and may be used to help determine the treatment protocol. In controlled ovarian stimulation cycles, this test can […]
Adenomyosis is defined as the presence of endometrial glands and stroma in the myometrium (muscle layer) of the uterus. It can be localized or diffuse (involving most of the uterus) and more commonly observed in parous women between the ages of 35-50. The exact cause of adenomyosis is unknown and may resemble fibroids on ultrasound, […]