What to Do When IVF Fails

Although treatment for infertility is light years ahead of where it once was, there are no guarantees that these treatments, such as IVF, will work for everyone. In fact, just under 30% of IVF cycles actually result in babies, and for those women over 40, the numbers decrease. The end result of IVF may not […]
Undergoing Treatment for Infertility: How to Navigate

Infertility is a complicated issue for many patients. Navigating the physical side-hormone injections, getting the timing just right, seemingly endless office visits-is overwhelming enough, but the emotional journey through treating your infertility can be extremely challenging. Setting realistic expectations, by knowing what to anticipate, is one of the best ways to quell the overwhelm that […]
The Pros and Cons of Exercising to Improve Fertility

Becoming the healthiest version of yourself is one of the finest gifts you can give your future child, and one that will likely improve your fertility. Diet and exercise impact every aspect of your overall health, and play a key role in your reproductive health as well. When you’re dealing with fertility issues, exercise can […]
Tubal Factor Infertility-Three Big Impactors on Your Ability to Conceive

Infertility, related to tubal factors, is common in more than 1/3 of all cases. The two fallopian tubes provide the pathway for the egg to travel to the uterus, once it’s been released from the ovary. When the egg is prevented from traveling through the tube, due to a blockage within the fallopian tube, this […]
I’m Having Trouble Getting Pregnant in My 40’s-What Options are Best For Me?

It seems as though age has little to do with getting pregnant these days. After all, 40 is the new 30-or is it 20? Celebrities, and even your friends and family members, appear to have no problem pushing motherhood off until well into their 40’s. And they make it look so easy. Odds are, if […]
Are These Common Fertility Myths Holding You Back?

Medicine, in general, is filled with myths and legends. Common old wives tales like “starve a cold, feed a fever” are still quoted today, and grandmas everywhere warn against swimming after eating. Although neither admonition is true, it seems the myths perpetuate, to some degree. The same is true of fertility myths. There are still […]
What Affects the Odds of A Successful IVF

Successful IVF isn’t always a smooth endeavor. There are several factors which will impact the outcome of your procedure, some are within your control, like your habits and lifestyle, while others, such as age, and the type of fertility issues you’re dealing with, are not something you have control over. It can be frustrating, but […]
I Have Fibroids and Infertility. Do I Need Surgery?

Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous tumors that grow inside the uterus, in the uterine wall, or just outside the uterus. There are a few different types of fibroids, but all of them can cause pain, pelvic pressure, heavy periods that may last longer than a week, frequent urge to urinate, trouble emptying your bladder, constipation, and […]
Is Insemination Indicated In My Case?

For many couples and individuals of diverse backgrounds throughout the world, artificial insemination is a solution to make the family they have been dreaming of become a reality. Through insemination, a doctor can manually insert a man’s sperm directly into a woman’s uterus, fallopian tubes or cervix. Depending on the situation, the sperm may be […]
The Myth of Unexplained Infertility
I felt like I have to write another article about the mysterious diagnosis called “unexplained infertility” after seeing a number of patients in their early 30s with this diagnosis recently. I often hear from patients that “everything is normal” or “nobody could identify any problems”. It’s also not uncommon to hear “I went to different […]