5 Ways You Can Support Your Fertility Treatment

When you begin fertility treatment, it’s typically because your doctor, after evaluating you and your partner, found an issue that compromises normal fertility. Possibly it is male factor, female factor, a combination or there’s no known cause. Whatever the diagnosis, the fact remains you need treatment to conceive. This alone may cause feelings of frustration […]
The Ultimate Guide to Your Diet on IVF

A healthy lifestyle is key to your overall wellbeing. Maintaining a health-focused diet wards off many chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes. Additionally, fueling your body with healthy foods helps keep your body functioning at its best. That includes your reproductive system. When you’re faced with a diagnosis of infertility […]
Dietary Factors to Reduce Miscarriage

Caring for your baby-to-be begins before you’re even pregnant. In fact, making sure that you and your partner are at your healthiest may even increase your odds for success, no matter your fertility treatment. A well-rounded, nutrition-centered diet is the best way to start. Can Dietary Factors Prevent a Miscarriage? A recently published report […]
What Are Some Natural Remedies to Improve My IVF Outcome

Successful IVF depends on many things. The quality of the eggs and sperm, the viability of the embryos and your body’s response throughout the entire IVF cycle all help determine the outcome. And between the doctor’s appointments, tests, ultrasounds, hormone injections and schedules you likely feel as though you don’t have any control. However, a […]
8 Ways You Can Boost Your Fertility

After months of trying without success, you’re willing to try just about anything to increase your odds for conception. Naturally you should schedule a fertility evaluation with your doctor, but there are some things you can do that will boost your fertility naturally. Here’s our list of 8 medically approved ways you can boost your […]
7 Ways to Boost Male Fertility

According to statistics published by the Office on Women’s Health, about 6 million, or 10%, of the female population of childbearing age, experience infertility. However, infertility is not just a “woman thing”. About a third of all diagnoses of infertility are male factor. That means the male partner experiences issues with sperm health, due to […]
Steps You Can Take Today to Boost Your Fertility

As defined fertility is the ability to produce offspring. And the American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists (ACOG) defines infertility as an inability to conceive after twelve consecutive months of trying through regular sexual intercourse without birth control or six months for those over 35. If you’re trying to conceive and not having any success […]
Will Playing Sports Impact My Fertility?

Whether you have a standing pick-up basketball game at your local park each week or you belong to a beach volleyball league your sports participation may concern you regarding your fertility. Here we take a look at how playing sports impacts both male and female fertility. Participating in sports is a great way to get […]
The Best 9 Foods to Have While Going Through IVF

We’ve all heard the credo “you are what you eat” and there’s a lot of truth to that. What we eat, along with the way we live, has a huge impact on health and wellness. A steady diet that’s high in processed foods, trans fats and sugar may spell trouble for your heart health, diabetes […]
What OTC Medications Should I Avoid During IVF?

Most individuals can’t really afford to let a cold, the flu, illness, or infection sideline them for any length of time. It’s commonplace, therefore, to pop a decongestant or cough suppressant, pain-reliever or whatever over-the-counter medication you need and keep going. But all of that changes when you’re trying to conceive. Especially if you’re undergoing […]