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Category: Fitness & Health

Can OTC Medications Be Harmful During IVF?

Those undergoing IVF do everything possible to ensure a successful outcome. For some people that means giving up certain vices like alcohol, coffee and fast food. Others may embrace the healthiest diet choices, switch to organic produce and give up any known inflammatory foods like red meat. But what about OTC medications? What do you […]

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7 Ways to Stay Healthy While You Wait for Optimal Fertility Days

If your periods are regular and you’ve figured out the time you ovulate then you might already know the optimum time to conceive is those few days before you ovulate. Sperm lives up to five days in the female body and planning intercourse those few days prior to ovulation offers the best chance for conception. […]

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Common Misconceptions About Fertility Health, Debunked

You can’t always trust what you read on the internet or what you hear from a well-intentioned family member, friend, coworker or stranger. Those statements are never more true than when you question your fertility health. So many misconceptions float around that we thought it was high time to debunk the worst of them, explain […]

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Acupuncture & Fertility: 5 Things to Know

Acupuncture is the practice of inserting very fine needles into the body at certain points. There are certain points located along the meridians, or energy channels, which when manipulated may correct imbalances within the body. Acupuncture is a key component in the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine and restores homeostasis, or optimal function, to the […]

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The Ultimate Guide to Nutritional Supplements for Improved Fertility

Fertility is a much more complex process than many people realize. In fact, unless you’re struggling with infertility, you probably wouldn’t give it a second thought. But for roughly one in five couples in the US, the act of conceiving a child is anything but easy. Basic biology teaches us that healthy sperm must meet […]

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Common Household Products to Avoid When Trying to Get Pregnant

When you’re trying to conceive it’s important you avoid toxins. Sure, you know to stay away from the obvious like insecticides and crop dusters but what about the everyday products in your home? We are very much surrounded by poisons on a daily basis and may not even be aware of the potential risk. From […]

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7 Helpful Practices to Calm Your IVF Anxiety

The overwhelming anxiety surrounding infertility and treatment for infertility is real. In fact, according to the NIH, roughly 20% of men and over 40% of women enter into their first IVF cycle with anxiety. That kind of stress sets you up for the more crippling depression and even takes a toll on your body to […]

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5 Ways You Can Support Your Fertility Treatment

When you begin fertility treatment, it’s typically because your doctor, after evaluating you and your partner, found an issue that compromises normal fertility. Possibly it is male factor, female factor, a combination or there’s no known cause. Whatever the diagnosis, the fact remains you need treatment to conceive. This alone may cause feelings of frustration […]

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The Ultimate Guide to Your Diet on IVF

A healthy lifestyle is key to your overall wellbeing. Maintaining a health-focused diet wards off many chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes. Additionally, fueling your body with healthy foods helps keep your body functioning at its best. That includes your reproductive system. When you’re faced with a diagnosis of infertility […]

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Dietary Factors to Reduce Miscarriage

Caring for your baby-to-be begins before you’re even pregnant. In fact, making sure that you and your partner are at your healthiest may even increase your odds for success, no matter your fertility treatment. A well-rounded, nutrition-centered diet is the best way to start.   Can Dietary Factors Prevent a Miscarriage? A recently published report […]

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