
Archive: Tag: fertility treatment

Considering IVF: What You Need to Know First

Infertility is not an uncommon condition. The inability to conceive naturally affects roughly 10% of the population in the United States. The majority of those couples, and individuals, whose fertility is compromised seek the help of a fertility specialist, and most will go on to conceive a child through the use of IVF. Because IVF […]

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Dr. Bayrak’s Approach to Complex Infertility Cases at LA IVF

Infertility is defined as an inability to become pregnant after a man and woman attempt to conceive for one year, through intercourse without the use of birth control. Infertility affects up to 15% of couples who try for one year in the late 20s and early 30s but the rate is higher in late 30s […]

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How You Can Boost Your Fertility Naturally

Often times fertility treatment and the quest to become pregnant seems out of your hands, as though you just need to let medical science and reproductive technology do their job. Seemingly, your only task in the process is to get to your appointment on time! Feeling a lack of involvement in something so deeply personal […]

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What is The Best Fertility Diet?

When you’re starting, or adding to, your family, you begin to make healthier choices regarding your lifestyle. Wine with dinner becomes water, or non-caffeinated tea. Fruits and veggies begin taking the place of doughnuts and chips. You may change up your exercise routine, and opt for wholesome date nights instead of party-filled late nights. Many […]

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Failed IVF Can Be Devastating. Here’s What To Do Next

A failed IVF can be devastating for you and your partner. You may feel lost, at loose ends, and profoundly depressed. But, you aren’t quite ready to give up your dream of growing your family. What’s next for you and your partner? Every couple, or individual, forges a different path when dealing with infertility treatments. […]

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