Infertility puts a strain on even the healthiest relationships. When you decide on fertility treatments it may seem as though you’re riding a roller coaster of emotions. One day you’re up and feeling positive and the next you may find your hope hanging by a thread. Stress and anxiety go hand-in-hand with infertility and fertility treatments for couples in Santa Monica.
But don’t despair. With a little patience and TLC, you and your partner will most certainly weather the ups and downs of fertility treatments and build a stronger foundation on which to grow your family. Supporting one another throughout the journey is essential to your own emotional wellness as that of your partner. And we can help you navigate your path as we’ve done for countless couples in Santa Monica.
You’re Not Alone
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) 17.5% of the population worldwide experience infertility. That’s roughly one in six adults, or 6.7 million people who have trouble conceiving a baby. Issues with fertility certainly bring stress and disappointment to many couples globally and then the decision regarding treatment for infertility opens an entirely new realm of anxiety. But, as the statistics show, you are not alone.
To help couples in Santa Monica during this time, it’s important that you both tune into one another’s needs and experiences. Physically, treatments for infertility can be grueling. And emotionally couples in Santa Monica feel a range of feelings.
You need the comfort of sharing these experiences with your partner. Let us guide you through this emotional and anxiety-triggering journey. Here we offer tips for supporting your partner through fertility treatments and strengthening your relationship in the process.
Attend Appointments Together
Couples in Santa Monica typically schedule a series of appointments when undergoing treatment for infertility. Make every attempt to attend together. If that’s not possible, check in before and after the appointments and assure your partner you’re there every step of the way.
Research, Research, Research
One of the very best ways to support your partner is through understanding the process. For those couples in Santa Monica going through IVF cycles or any other treatment do your homework. Make note of any questions you may have and ask your doctor for literature or recommendations so you may fully understand each facet of treatment. Please refrain from using “Dr. Google” as not all of the information you uncover is accurate. Instead, refer to our blogposts or any reference material recommended by our clinic.
Knowledge is power. It helps you understand what your partner may go through and helps remove any fear of the unknown. While your doctor anticipates and addresses your concerns at each appointment, it’s gratifying to have materials you can reference at any time.
Limit Everyday Hassles
Do you both abhor spending your weekends performing tasks around the house? For now, get some extra help. For those couples with children ask friends and family if they’re able to step in every now and again. Have groceries and any other items you may need delivered to your home. Order from your favorite restaurant when you don’t feel like cooking. Give yourselves a break!
Choose Your Circle
You’ll definitely need some support beyond just the two of you. Include some trustworthy family and friends in your journey. Most of the time your loved ones want to offer support and help in any way possible so pick your people. They’ll help alleviate some of the stress and emotional fatigue couples in Santa Monica often feel during fertility treatments.
If you don’t feel your friends and family get just what you’re going through then find a support group. Ask your clinic about local groups or look online for in-person or virtual groups you and your partner may attend.
Set Firm Boundaries
Decide as a couple how much information you’ll share and with whom you’ll share it. Avoid any friends, family or neighbors who, although well-intentioned, may intrude or expect all the details of your experience. If the busybodies become too much have a talk with them on you and your partner’s behalf. Accept the role of enforcer.
Everyone Copes in Their Own Way
For many couples in Santa Monica going through fertility treatments means going through a bevy of emotions, often all in one day. While there are times when you’ll hold each other through these swirling emotions there may also be times when your coping styles don’t exactly align.
For example, your partner may vent their fears, worries and concerns without a need for resolution while you may prefer fixing every problem. You may struggle with the realities and possible outcomes in a logical way. Your partner may do rose colored glasses and whistle a happy tune. Whatever way you cope best pay attention to your partner’s needs. Listen while they give voice to their fears. Go for a walk if you feel the need to get away. Above all make sure you cope in healthy ways.
Have Some Fun
There is life outside of fertility treatments. Couples in Santa Monica should always make time for fun. Plan a weekend away, a date night or go see a movie. Stay home and order in while you binge your favorite series or do anything else that makes you smile.
Encourage and Practice Self Care
Self-care is extremely important during times of anxiety. Ensure your partner has time with friends or pursuing their favorite hobby. And don’t forget you also need a healthy self-care routine. Connect with friends, get some exercise or take a nap and recharge those batteries. Practicing your own form of self-care makes you a more supportive partner.
For more on ways couples in Santa Monica ca support their partner through fertility treatments contact LA IVF today.