All of the information-and misinformation-surrounding the Covid-19 vaccines is confusing and worrisome, especially for those who are starting a family. But it’s safe to trust the science when it comes to staying protected from this deadly virus that has held the world hostage for more than a year. Researchers at the CDC, in an analysis […]
Could the Covid Vaccine Interfere with Fertility Treatments

Covid-19 has ravaged this country and the world for more than a year now. Finally there seems to be a light at the end of this frustrating tunnel. Globally, and especially in the U.S., we are beginning to return to some degree of normalcy. This is due in no small part to the distribution of […]
Sleep and Fertility: Why Getting Those ZZZZ’s Are So Important

As you likely know, certain lifestyle factors can weigh on your ability to conceive. If you’re underweight or overweight, follow a poor diet, smoke, drink, abstain from physical activity and generally are in poor health you could be impacting your fertility in a negative way. But what about something as simple as sleep? Can sleep […]
Will Taking Birth Control Make it Harder to Get Pregnant?

It’s certainly one of life’s great ironies; when you’re at your most fertile you take steps to prevent pregnancy and when you are ready to start a family your fertility is beginning to wane. If you’re over 30 and it seems to be taking longer than you’d anticipated to conceive, you’re probably wondering if something […]
Over 40? Fertility Facts You Need Now

There was a time, a few generations ago, when women over the age of 35, let alone 40, dare not plan to become pregnant. The risk to mother and baby increased with each passing year. Today there are many ways to ensure the health of both mother and baby and healthy pregnancies among women who […]
Does Corona Virus Affect My Fertility?

The corona virus is on everyone’s mind right now. As we slowly come out of “shelter-in-place” recommendations and get used to that “new normal” everyone keeps talking about, we all have so many questions. With “what we know” constantly changing it’s difficult to have a clear understanding of who is most vulnerable, and how the […]
Dr. Bayrak’s Approach to Complex Infertility Cases at LA IVF

Infertility is defined as an inability to become pregnant after a man and woman attempt to conceive for one year, through intercourse without the use of birth control. Infertility affects up to 15% of couples who try for one year in the late 20s and early 30s but the rate is higher in late 30s […]
How You Can Boost Your Fertility Naturally

Often times fertility treatment and the quest to become pregnant seems out of your hands, as though you just need to let medical science and reproductive technology do their job. Seemingly, your only task in the process is to get to your appointment on time! Feeling a lack of involvement in something so deeply personal […]
I Was Told I was Too Overweight to Have a Baby

Obesity is out of control in the United States, making us one of the unhealthiest nations in the world. According to the CDC, a study done in 2015 found 39.8% of American adults were considered obese, and 31.8% are considered overweight, including women of childbearing age. If your physician has told you your weight is […]
What is The Best Fertility Diet?

When you’re starting, or adding to, your family, you begin to make healthier choices regarding your lifestyle. Wine with dinner becomes water, or non-caffeinated tea. Fruits and veggies begin taking the place of doughnuts and chips. You may change up your exercise routine, and opt for wholesome date nights instead of party-filled late nights. Many […]