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Category: Update in fertility research

Understanding How Hormonal Balance Impacts Fertility

Out of balance hormones disrupt your day-to-day life in many ways. Females may notice symptoms such as heavy or irregular periods, hair loss and vaginal dryness. Some of the conditions directly related to hormones experienced by both males and females are Acne: While usually caused by clogged pores acne also responds to hormone fluctuations. Hormones […]

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IVF and Hypertension During Pregnancy: What are the Risks?

In recent years, doctors noticed an uptick in cases of hypertension during pregnancy that followed IVF. As the number of those who take advantage of assisted reproductive technology goes up, so do the cases of hypertension in pregnancy for those patients. Is there a connection? What risk does IVF pose to hypertension during pregnancy and […]

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What is Azoospermia and What Can I Do About It?

Infertility is a difficult diagnosis but for those dealing with compromised fertility, you aren’t alone. According to infertility statistics from the Centers for Disease Control, one in five women of childbearing years experience difficulty conceiving after one year of trying. Of all infertility cases worldwide male factor infertility accounts for up to 50%. The causes […]

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8 Warning Signs You Could Be Suffering from Fertility Issues

Most people don’t consider fertility until they want to start a family. Suddenly what seemed easy is a challenge. Month after month, to no avail, you schedule intercourse around the ideal time for conception and then your period arrives right on time and you sigh in frustration. Sound familiar? According to The National Infertility Association […]

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My Rapid Test for Covid Came Back Positive. What’s Next?

false positive rapid covid test

Covid testing is all over the news these days. As the Omicron and Delta variants of the virus continue to rise infecting people in record numbers obtaining a test is more difficult. Moreover, there are different types of testing available and deciding which one is right for you can be confusing. Understanding the different types […]

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What’s New in IVF? Alternative IVF Protocols

July 25th, 1978 is a big day in reproductive science history. That’s the birthday of the first “test tube” (IVF) baby, Louise Brown. In the 43 years since Louise Brown’s birth, the field of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) and IVF has virtually exploded. As better procedures come to light IVF becomes more common and more […]

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I Am Planning on IVF Treatment. Should I Worry About Covid Infection and IVF?

Should I worry About Covid Infection and IVF?

The Covid 19 pandemic is now in its 19th month and there is still much that we are uncovering. As science and medicine work to end, or at the very lease control Covid’s assault on the world population, most people are cautiously resuming their day to day lives. For those couples who are undergoing treatment […]

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What Are the Complications With Covid Infection During Pregnancy?

Covid-19 and its variants continue to impact day-to-day life for people across the globe. After 19 months of the pandemic most of us in the United States are eager to get back to some semblance of normal. For many that means taking their plans for growing their family off pause and moving forward. Pregnancy places […]

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What are the New Trends in Fertility Treatment?

Some trends in fertility treatment gaining in popularity today rose out of months-long isolation and the tendency toward introspection. More couples are opting to put off pregnancy until realizing certain life goals. Single women who want children but haven’t found the right partner are deciding to pursue motherhood on their own. New treatment options for […]

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Does IVF Increase the Risk for Ovarian Cancer?

Ovarian stimulation is an important aspect of the overall treatment for infertility. The goal of ovarian stimulation is to harvest as many viable eggs as possible from a woman’s ovaries. By stimulating the ovaries to produce and mature a greater number of follicles/eggs, the odds of developing a healthy embryo for implantation, and thus a […]

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