
Archive: Tag: IVF

Luxury Lifestyles & Luxury Fertility Solutions: Beverly Hills IVF

When you maintain a luxury lifestyle, you’re used to a higher standard of comfort. That applies to your fertility solutions as well. Luxury fertility solutions include such extras as personalized treatment plans, the ultimate in discretion and elevated attention to every detail which applies to every option available. And you expect nothing less for your […]

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Yoga & IVF: How Regular Exercise Can Increase Your Success

If you’re preparing for an IVF cycle, you’re no doubt well aware of the stress that goes with such a procedure. But, of course, your commitment to the journey to have your child is strong. Keeping your stress at bay and helping the process along sounds impossible but when you make yoga a daily practice […]

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Bebés IVF: Semana de Nacimiento, Consejos de Salud y Proceso Explicado

Bebés IVF: Semana de Nacimiento, Consejos de Salud y Proceso Explicado Los embarazos concebidos a través de IVF presentan un riesgo ligeramente superior al promedio de nacimiento antes de las 40 semanas, el término normal de gestación. Los bebés nacidos antes de las 37 semanas son prematuros, pero no necesariamente prematuros en el sentido estricto. […]

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5 Perspectivas sobre IVF que los Futuro Padres Desean Saber

La fertilización in vitro (IVF) es una forma de tecnología de reproducción asistida utilizada para tratar la infertilidad. Cuando te diagnostican infertilidad, tú y tu médico abordan los problemas y, si es posible, examinan tus opciones de tratamiento. IVF es un tratamiento común para muchos problemas que afectan tu capacidad para concebir. Pero, si no […]

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¿Pueden los Medicamentos de Venta Libre Ser Perjudiciales Durante IVF?

Quienes están sometiéndose a IVF hacen todo lo posible para asegurar un resultado exitoso. Para algunos, eso significa renunciar a ciertos vicios como el alcohol, el café y la comida rápida. Otros pueden adoptar las opciones dietéticas más saludables, cambiar a productos orgánicos y eliminar alimentos inflamatorios conocidos como la carne roja. Pero, ¿qué pasa […]

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4 Topics to Discuss As a Couple Before Moving Forward with IVF

When you undergo treatment for infertility in order to conceive there are so many decisions and factors along the way. And it can be taxing even if the journey is a relatively smooth one. Going through the experience with a partner may take a toll on your relationship. That’s why it’s best you discuss things […]

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IVF and Hypertension During Pregnancy: What are the Risks?

In recent years, doctors noticed an uptick in cases of hypertension during pregnancy that followed IVF. As the number of those who take advantage of assisted reproductive technology goes up, so do the cases of hypertension in pregnancy for those patients. Is there a connection? What risk does IVF pose to hypertension during pregnancy and […]

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What Are the Types of PGT and What do They Uncover?

Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) is a screening test that examines embryos created via IVF prior to their placement into the uterus. PGT uncovers many different genetic and chromosomal conditions that could gravely impact pregnancy and your future child. Here we take a look at just what kinds of conditions, and birth defects PGT uncovers. Before […]

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Robots and IVF: The Case of Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

Conception occurs when the egg and the sperm meet, and the sperm penetrates the egg thereby fertilizing it, so an embryo develops. That’s basic biology and the way of reproduction. However, it doesn’t always work that way. Infertility makes conception difficult for about one in six people worldwide, according to the World Health Organization. There […]

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How Can a Couple Prepare Together for IVF: 7 Tips

When you’re in the midst of your IVF cycle, the medication-fueled mood swings, daily injections and seemingly endless appointments, poking, prodding and laser focus on a successful cycle takes center stage. Not surprisingly the spontaneity of romance is set aside, and some couples feel the stress of the endeavor. Of course, the outcome is worth […]

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