
Santa Monica’s Top Resources for Supporting Fertility Nutrition and Health

by - 02.26.2025 | Sin categorizar

Tray, Breakfast

When it comes to your health, there is absolutely a link between what you eat and your overall well-being. That’s common knowledge, and there are entire industries built on promoting that fact. Eat healthy, and you may avoid a whole list of chronic conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and more. And, more recently, scientific publications show a clear connection between your gut health, brain health, and nutrition.


The right diet supports so many of your body’s functions it shouldn’t come as any surprise that nutrition supports fertility health as well. Here, we present Santa Monica’s top resources for supporting fertility, nutrition, and health. We encourage the use of these resources to help you as you journey through your treatment on your path to parenthood.


How Eating Right Supports Your Fertility


First, let’s take a look a look at how eating the right foods and utilizing Santa Monica’s top resources aids in supporting your fertility health. Beyond your overall health at other times in your life, when you’re trying to conceive there are specific vitamins and minerals that both partners must obtain, preferably through diet.

Vegetables, Pot, Cooking

  • B Vitamins: When you consume citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, and cruciferous veggies such as broccoli and Brussels sprouts, you boost your intake of natural sources of vitamin B. Not only do these natural sources of B vitamins help you ovulate regularly, but they also provide folate. Folate is necessary for the healthy development of your future baby. 


  • Choose More Plant-Based Protein: In a recent study published by the NIH, researchers saw improvements in fertility when participants switched from animal-based proteins (meat, eggs, dairy) to plant-based proteins (beans, lentils, tofu, etc). Plant-based proteins also improved the overall health of the participants, both male and female. Don’t worry; you can still enjoy occasional lean meats, dairy, and eggs. Just lean into the plant-based sources more often. Spend a lazy Saturday strolling through a local Santa Monica farmers market, and you’ll find plenty of delicious options to facilitate your plant-based diet.


  • Iron-rich Foods to Support Healthy Fertility: Studies show iron deficiency plays a role in ovulatory dysfunction. Iron-rich foods you should consume include spinach, whole grains, lentils, beans, and the occasional egg. Remember to pair these iron-rich foods with vitamin C-heavy citrus foods as vitamin C aids in iron absorption.


  • For Your Male Partner: Nutrition supports male fertility as well. Zinc may enhance sperm quality so your partner should consume zinc-rich foods like cashews, pumpkin seeds, oysters, and crab. Vitamin B12 supports an increase in sperm concentration so we advise consuming foods like salmon, eggs, nutritional yeast, milk, and yogurt to help those swimmers reach their goal.
    couple cooking together


A Word About Weight

Obesity in women may adversely affect your hormonal balance. According to a study by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, weight impacts female fertility in about 30% of cases. Obesity in women may adversely impact their hormonal balance which affects fertility. Being underweight contributes to an inability to ovulate. Obesity in men may affect sperm count and cause poor motility (movement) of sperm. Strive, through a healthy diet and exercise, for an acceptable BMI. Discuss your concerns with your doctor and obtain a possible referral to a nutritionist or dietary specialist.


Santa Monica’s Top Resources for Supporting Fertility Nutrition and Health


In Santa Monica and surrounding areas like Culver City and Beverly Hills, there are hundreds and hundreds of places that support nutrition and health. You’ll easily find restaurants and wellness retailers who serve and stock some of the most nutritious foods you’ll find anywhere. 


Our area also promotes health and nutrition through education programs, dietitians and consultants, and fun experiences like healthy cooking classes. Our team at LA IVF can assist you in finding the top resources in Santa Monica for supporting your fertility journey. 


Don’t Neglect Exercise


Of course, a healthy body relies on what you put into it for fuel, but don’t neglect movement. Overall wellness includes your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. To that end, a regular exercise habit helps you deal with a lot of the stress you’ll encounter when dealing with infertility. Here are some of our favorite ways for supporting your health and well-being during fertility treatment, however, always ask your doctor before embarking on an exercise routine. 


  • Walking
  • Swimming
  • Gentle Yoga
  • Pilates


If you’re already a practiced yogi, runner, or lifter, discuss continuing your workouts with your doctor. More than likely, you’ll simply modify certain aspects of your routine. 


Your Number One Resource for Supporting Fertility in Santa Monica

vegetables market

For more on how you can find resources for supporting fertility, nutrition, and health, please contact LA IVF.  For couples and individuals in the Santa Monica area and surrounding cities, we offer ways for you to boost your fertility along with cutting-edge fertility treatment. Please contact LA IVF today and consult with our team of professionals.