What Should You Do When You Are Not Able to Become Pregnant?

When you choose to become pregnant it can be an exciting, and sometimes scary endeavor. Like a well-choreographed dance you give up harmful vices, like alcohol, and opt for a cleaner, healthier lifestyle. You make note of your menstrual cycle, timing intercourse for that optimum period of ovulation. You may even attempt a post-sex handstand […]
Solving the Mystery of Unexplained Infertility

A diagnosis of unexplained infertility can be frustrating, and defeating, for many couples. After seemingly countless tests and procedures designed to uncover the reasons behind your inability to become pregnant, you still don’t have an answer. What’s more, until you have an idea of the source of your infertility, you aren’t sure how to proceed […]
Unexplained Infertility? What Is It and Why Does It Need Attention?

The journey to parenthood for many couples and individuals can be emotionally, mentally and financially exhausting. If faced with difficulties conceiving and no concrete answers as to why, it can become increasingly more frustrating and stressful trying to find a solution to start or grow the family you have been dreaming of. Unfortunately, this is […]
The Myth of Unexplained Infertility
I felt like I have to write another article about the mysterious diagnosis called “unexplained infertility” after seeing a number of patients in their early 30s with this diagnosis recently. I often hear from patients that “everything is normal” or “nobody could identify any problems”. It’s also not uncommon to hear “I went to different […]