I Am Planning on IVF Treatment. Should I Worry About Covid Infection and IVF?

The Covid 19 pandemic is now in its 19th month and there is still much that we are uncovering. As science and medicine work to end, or at the very lease control Covid’s assault on the world population, most people are cautiously resuming their day to day lives. For those couples who are undergoing treatment […]
How to Cope with the 2-Week Wait Period After IVF

Yes, it happened! After weeks, months, or years of trying, you are waiting to see the second line on your pregnancy test, or to hear from your doctor that you are pregnant. During this time, you might find yourself anxious, nervous, excited, or tired. Finding coping strategies to relax your body and calm your mind […]
Does IVF Increase the Risk for Ovarian Cancer?

Ovarian stimulation is an important aspect of the overall treatment for infertility. The goal of ovarian stimulation is to harvest as many viable eggs as possible from a woman’s ovaries. By stimulating the ovaries to produce and mature a greater number of follicles/eggs, the odds of developing a healthy embryo for implantation, and thus a […]

All of the information-and misinformation-surrounding the Covid-19 vaccines is confusing and worrisome, especially for those who are starting a family. But it’s safe to trust the science when it comes to staying protected from this deadly virus that has held the world hostage for more than a year. Researchers at the CDC, in an analysis […]
Could the Covid Vaccine Interfere with Fertility Treatments

Covid-19 has ravaged this country and the world for more than a year now. Finally there seems to be a light at the end of this frustrating tunnel. Globally, and especially in the U.S., we are beginning to return to some degree of normalcy. This is due in no small part to the distribution of […]
How Does Natural Cycle IVF Compare to Conventional IVF?

A diagnosis of infertility often leads to a lot of confusion. There are many options to grow your family depending on the cause of your infertility. The process of deciding on the right one for you involves discussing best options with your physician based on your diagnosis and determining your right path for success. Many […]
What is Natural IVF & What Are The Benefits?

Infertility treatment involves many different options. Your personal concerns, medical considerations and of course finances each play a key role. We strive to provide you with all the information available, so you can make the right choice. We’re with you each step of the way. One of the more recent “come backs” in treatment for […]
Interested in Genetic testing? Learn What is Involved In The Process

For mothers-to-be, even the most textbook pregnancy is fraught with worry. When you add infertility into the mix, it becomes a real rollercoaster of emotions. Will my age cause a concern? Will the baby be ok? Will they experience any health issues? And on and on. The unknown can cause plenty of sleepless nights and […]
For same sex male couples what is involved in starting a family? Where to begin?

For Same-Sex Male Couples: What Is Involved in Starting a Family? Where to Begin? For so many individuals the goal of parenthood is a given. In fact, it’s very likely you’ve always imagined yourself raising a child or children, long before you came to understand your own sexuality. No matter if you identify as same-gender […]
I Put Off IVF Because of COVID – Is It Safer Now to Try Again?

While the world waits in hopeful anticipation of the vaccine against COVID-19, you may be wondering if it’s safe to try to conceive. The answer is yes! Right now it appears that the vaccines will be made available in phases, with the most vulnerable, including healthcare and frontline workers being the first to receive, as […]