Over 40? Fertility Facts You Need Now

There was a time, a few generations ago, when women over the age of 35, let alone 40, dare not plan to become pregnant. The risk to mother and baby increased with each passing year. Today there are many ways to ensure the health of both mother and baby and healthy pregnancies among women who […]
What You Can Do to Minimize Ovulation Dysfunction

The term “Ovulatory Dysfunction” covers many different conditions which cause abnormal ovulation. Women who are diagnosed with ovulation dysfunction experience irregular ovulation, or ovulation that occurs rarely, or no ovulation at all. Although this diagnosis can be extremely frustrating when you’re trying to conceive, more often than not there is an easy fix. For any […]
7 Facts My Husband Needs to Know About Fertility Testing

If you suspect you are experiencing infertility in your quest to have a child, the best way to get the answers you need is through fertility testing. Infertility is identified as the inability to become pregnant after one year of carefully timed, unprotected intercourse. The duration of attempting to conceive for women over the age […]
What Should You Do When You Are Not Able to Become Pregnant?

When you choose to become pregnant it can be an exciting, and sometimes scary endeavor. Like a well-choreographed dance you give up harmful vices, like alcohol, and opt for a cleaner, healthier lifestyle. You make note of your menstrual cycle, timing intercourse for that optimum period of ovulation. You may even attempt a post-sex handstand […]
What to Do When IVF Fails

Although treatment for infertility is light years ahead of where it once was, there are no guarantees that these treatments, such as IVF, will work for everyone. In fact, just under 30% of IVF cycles actually result in babies, and for those women over 40, the numbers decrease. The end result of IVF may not […]