
Category: Egg Donors

I Have Low Egg Reserve. What Should I Do?

A woman is born carrying all of the eggs she will ever have, approximately one-two million. As she matures and enters puberty about one-third of the eggs remain. Unfertilized eggs collapse in the pelvis or the fallopian tubes each month and two weeks before the menstrual period begins. A fertilized egg implants 7 days after […]

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Low Egg Reserve. How Is It Treated?

The frustration you feel when you are trying to conceive but nothing is happening is overwhelming. You aren’t sure what’s wrong, but you know there must be a reason you aren’t able to conceive. If you’ve been actively trying to conceive for one year (six months if you are over 35) without results, it’s time […]

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Multiple IVF Failures: What Are the Next Steps?

Currently, IVF is the most successful infertility treatment available and the answer to overcoming many of the causes of infertility. In a controllably precise process your doctor stimulates the growth of multiple eggs using medication and then harvests the eggs. The lab fertilizes your viable eggs using your partner’s (or donor) sperm. Embryos develop and […]

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Choosing The Right Surrogate As A Same Sex Male Couple

Same sex male couples desiring to grow their family have a wonderful opportunity to do so via surrogacy. A surrogate or gestational carrier is a woman who carries the embryo, created via IVF, for a couple who cannot carry it themselves. Parents-to-be utilize surrogacy in situations when a pregnancy might be dangerous or for those […]

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Like Mother, Like Daughter? My Mom Had Early Menopause. Should I be worried?

Menopause is a natural function that starts when a woman begins experiencing changes to her menstrual cycle. Periods may be shorter with minimal flow or last longer and produce a heavy flow. As menopause progresses and hormone levels fluctuate you will experience other symptoms, most notably hot flashes, insomnia, night sweats and fatigue. While these […]

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What’s the Process for Same-Sex Male Couples Who Want to Have a Child?

As a same-sex male couple, you know your path to parenthood looks different than it does for heterosexual couples. Biology alone makes that obvious! But that doesn’t mean you and your partner can’t become parents. Through advanced reproductive medicine you do have options. Here’s a peek inside the process for same-sex male couples who want […]

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Who Carries the Child in a Same-Sex Female Couple?

Every prospective parent faces a barrage of questions and concerns. When do we start trying? What will we name the baby? How do we make sure we’re ready? Can we afford a child? It’s only natural to experience concerns such as these and more. However, a same-sex female couple faces a unique question; who carries […]

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What is the Process of Donating my Eggs

Women who are unable to produce their own eggs, due to a variety of conditions, including disease, treatment for cancer or ovarian failure, have the option of choosing donor eggs. If you’re a healthy, fertile woman interested in donating your eggs there are a few factors you must first consider. Additionally, the process isn’t as […]

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What Resources Are Available to Me in Considering Surrogacy?

Finding out you’re unable to become pregnant and bear a child is a difficult place to be. Especially if you’ve yearned for the experience and hoped to become a mother one day. Once you wrap your head around the news the oft-used phrase “new normal” begins its echo and you look into other options for […]

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For same sex male couples what is involved in starting a family? Where to begin?

For Same-Sex Male Couples: What Is Involved in Starting a Family? Where to Begin? For so many individuals the goal of parenthood is a given. In fact, it’s very likely you’ve always imagined yourself raising a child or children, long before you came to understand your own sexuality. No matter if you identify as same-gender […]

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