Can I Get Covid Vaccine During Pregnancy?
As we’ve all heard by now COVID-19 takes a far greater toll on pregnant people than of people the same age who are not pregnant. Pregnancy lowers your body’s immune response and for those who contact the COVID virus during pregnancy the odds are much greater for hospitalization, ICU, intubation and death. And, according to […]
Will COVID Affect My Baby if I Am Not Vaccinated?
With all of the changing information regarding COVID-19 and its variants the CDC and physicians continue to stand firm in their recommendation that pregnant people obtain the vaccine. The CDC strongly encourages the COVID-19 vaccination for all people 12 years and older, including people who are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to get pregnant now or might become […]
What’s New in IVF? Alternative IVF Protocols
July 25th, 1978 is a big day in reproductive science history. That’s the birthday of the first “test tube” (IVF) baby, Louise Brown. In the 43 years since Louise Brown’s birth, the field of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) and IVF has virtually exploded. As better procedures come to light IVF becomes more common and more […]
I Am Planning on IVF Treatment. Should I Worry About Covid Infection and IVF?
The Covid 19 pandemic is now in its 19th month and there is still much that we are uncovering. As science and medicine work to end, or at the very lease control Covid’s assault on the world population, most people are cautiously resuming their day to day lives. For those couples who are undergoing treatment […]
What Are the Complications With Covid Infection During Pregnancy?
Covid-19 and its variants continue to impact day-to-day life for people across the globe. After 19 months of the pandemic most of us in the United States are eager to get back to some semblance of normal. For many that means taking their plans for growing their family off pause and moving forward. Pregnancy places […]
Like Mother, Like Daughter? My Mom Had Early Menopause. Should I be worried?
Menopause is a natural function that starts when a woman begins experiencing changes to her menstrual cycle. Periods may be shorter with minimal flow or last longer and produce a heavy flow. As menopause progresses and hormone levels fluctuate you will experience other symptoms, most notably hot flashes, insomnia, night sweats and fatigue. While these […]
What Is a Stillbirth? Could It Happen to Me?
Stillbirth, by definition, occurs after the 20th week of pregnancy. At that point chances are the mother has felt tiny flutters, kicks and movements indicating life. By 20 weeks and beyond most couples have seen the ultrasound images of their baby and often the images are much more vivid than earlier in pregnancy. They see […]
Does IVF Increase the Risk for Ovarian Cancer?
Ovarian stimulation is an important aspect of the overall treatment for infertility. The goal of ovarian stimulation is to harvest as many viable eggs as possible from a woman’s ovaries. By stimulating the ovaries to produce and mature a greater number of follicles/eggs, the odds of developing a healthy embryo for implantation, and thus a […]
Should I Consider Genetic Testing Even Without Fertility Issues?
When you dream of your future family you don’t necessarily envision any problems. Pregnancy comes easily, labor is a breeze and you deliver a healthy beautiful baby. For many couples that’s true. But, in the United States, one out of every 33 babies is born with a birth defect. Birth defects remain the leading cause […]
Minimal Stimulation IVF: Does Age Matter?
Minimal stimulation IVF uses less medication, and less invasive methods of getting that medication (fewer or no injections other than toward the end of the cycle) into the patient than traditional IVF. This method combines oral medications to stimulate ovulation, such as Clomid, with other meds, like gonadotropin, to encourage follicle development and support egg […]