For most couples it takes up to a year of unprotected intercourse to conceive. If you and your partner have had no success and each month brings disappointment, you may wonder if you’re infertile. Often couples experience no symptoms of infertility other than an inability to conceive after many months of trying.
Your Infertility Testing Questions Answered
If you’ve had no success conceiving in a 12 consecutive month period of trying (six months for women over the age of 35) it may be time you check with your doctor. You and your partner need answer and the only way to find them is through infertility testing. But what tests and how does your doctor conduct these tests? Here we answer the top five most common infertility testing questions couples ask.
- What are The Common Tests for Infertility and How do You Determine What’s Necessary?
Most of the time infertility doesn’t just have one cause. There may be a few different factors preventing you from conceiving naturally. Your fertility issues may be genetic, related to an underlying condition or a side effect of certain medication, for example. Additionally, you and your partner may both have a condition that contributes to your infertility. That’s why testing both male and female partners is so crucial.
Before your doctor begins infertility testing, they go over your medical history, sexual history, and any possible genetic connections to infertility. Your doctor assesses your overall health and wellness, lifestyle, and any issues with menstrual cycles.
Next your doctor orders tests and additional evaluations based on their assessment. These tests may include:
- Blood Tests: Blood tests measure your hormone levels, thyroid function, ovarian reserve and check for any underlying issues.
- Ultrasound: A transvaginal ultrasound provides a view of your pelvic region and allows the doctor a way to assess your uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes as well as anything that may appear suspicious.
- Semen Analysis: There are some additional tests for the male partner but doctors begin with a semen sample. The male partner provides ejaculate for analysis. The doctor evaluates sperm for count, movement and shape and looks at semen as well.
- HSG (Hysterosalpingogram): This is an imaging test in which your doctor administers dye into your uterus assessing the structure and seeing how well the dye flows through the fallopian tubes.
- Is Timing Important?
Depending on the types of tests your doctor advises, your cycle may play a key role. For example, there are certain changes in your hormone levels that drive events such as ovulation and the growth of the uterine lining which promote fertility. The female reproductive system changes at different points during your menstrual cycle. Because of this your doctor may order tests at specific times during your cycle.
Timing in the broader sense is important as well. For example, scheduling a consultation differs depending on the female’s age. For females over the age of 35, it’s important that you schedule your fertility evaluation after six months of trying to conceive versus one year for those 35 and under.
- How Long Does Infertility Testing Take?
Depending on the type of infertility testing your doctor advises appointment times vary. A simple blood draw takes far less time than an HSG. Your doctor may also advise follow-up procedures depending on your results.
According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists , your complete infertility testing and evaluation results typically take a few menstrual cycles.
- Are Fertility Tests Invasive and Painful?
Your initial round of infertility testing is generally no more uncomfortable than a gynecologist appointment. You may experience some cramping or discomfort with an HSG, or if you’re someone who is very needle-phobic a blood test may cause discomfort. Your level of pain and distress really depends on you. Everyone differs in their reaction.
- The Infertility Testing Results Are In: Now What Happens?
Once your doctor completes the initial testing there may be additional follow-up tests or they may recommend procedures depending on results. When the diagnosis is clear, you begin treatment. Everyone’s treatment is unique to their condition and fertility. Your doctor goes over your options with you and your partner, and you determine the best course to conception. Make sure you and your doctor are on the same path for your journey.
Get Started by Scheduling a Consultation
Getting pregnant shouldn’t be so difficult, but infertility is a reality for 12% to 15% of couples in the US. And until you address your concerns your chances of conceiving don’t typically improve. Treatment begins with diagnosis and diagnosis begins with testing.
If you and your partner suspect fertility issues at the core of your inability to conceive a baby or you have additional questions about infertility testing, please schedule a consultation today. LA IVF specializes in helping couples and individuals realize their dream of becoming parents. Contact LA IVF and let’s start together on the journey of a lifetime.