
Santa Monica Egg Freezing: 7 Insights Women Should Consider

As a woman ages, changes take place that impact their fertility and reproductive future and the possibility of having children one day. Many people postpone parenthood until the timing is right. Seeking a suitable partner, achieving work or life goals or many other reasons factor into the decision to have a baby. But, as you draw closer to menopause time takes a bit of a toll on the viability of your eggs. That’s when Santa Monica egg freezing may enter the picture.

Women are born with all of the eggs they will have in their lifetime. The egg supply numbers in the one to two million range and with the onset of puberty the ovaries release one egg each month. If the egg remains unfertilized, it’s shed along with the uterine lining through menstruation.

As you age your eggs age as well. Science tells us your eggs are at their peak when you are under the age of 35. But not everyone feels the optimum age for pregnancy is the right time for them. Santa Monica egg freezing offers you the option of time, quiets your biological clock and provides peace of mind that your eggs are ready when you feel the time is right.


7 Egg Freezing Insights Women Should Consider

There are several reasons why a woman might want to freeze their eggs. But, at the core of this decision is the desire to preserve the healthiest, most viable eggs for future pregnancy via IVF. Opting for Santa Monica egg freezing when you’re under the age of 35 gives you the greatest odds for success however females in their 30s and even 40s, providing their doctor approves, may take advantage of Santa Monica egg freezing as well.


Here are seven insights women should consider when deciding on Santa Monica egg freezing.


1. The Santa Monica Egg Freezing Process

The egg freezing process typically follows the following schedule:

  • Hormonal stimulation of the ovaries which includes about 10-12 days of hormonal medication injections to boost egg production.
  • Monitoring appointments so your doctor may track follicle development. This includes blood tests and ultrasounds.
  • Your doctor administers a final injection, the trigger shot which matures the eggs.
  • Egg retrieval takes place under light sedation. The process takes under 30 minutes and you resume normal activities in 24-48 hours.
  • The lab freezes your healthy eggs via vitrification which is a flash freezing process.



2. You May Need More Than One Cycle

In order to preserve a fair quantity of your best eggs you’ll likely require more than one cycle. Each cycle takes about 2-3 weeks. Your doctor prescribes hormonal medication, usually in injection form, and sometimes there are side effects similar to PMS. Common side effects are:


  • Nausea
  • Bloating
  • Headaches
  • Pain at injection site
  • Mood swings
  • Breast tenderness
  • Hot flashes
  • Cramping


Your doctor monitors you throughout the process, so if you experience any discomfort or extreme side effects alert them. Also, these cycles may cause stress so make sure you are mentally and emotionally prepared.


3. Santa Monica Egg Freezing Provides Peace of Mind

No one knows what the future brings, but freezing your eggs provides some insurance against any conditions or illnesses that cause reproductive issues. Thyroid disease and other auto-immune conditions, PCOS, diminished ovarian reserve, certain medications and lifestyle all affect fertility. When you freeze your eggs, you have the peace of mind of knowing you’ve already preserved your healthiest eggs.


4. Who Makes a Good Candidate for Santa Monica Egg Freezing?

Any female with viable eggs makes a good candidate for egg freezing. Of course, those facing surgery or medical treatment affecting fertility should consult their doctor about egg freezing. Other candidates include:


  • Those focused on career or furthering their education
  • Those who want children but aren’t ready yet
  • Those with medical conditions such as autoimmune disease or PCOS, endometriosis or another condition that affects the reproductive system.
  • Females who want control over their reproductive future.


5. Egg Freezing Duration

Those women who are unsure of their future and have no immediate plans for a family may wonder how long the eggs should remain frozen. Good news! Your eggs may remain frozen indefinitely, according to a report from the NIH.


6. You’ll Need a Consultation First

Before you decide on Santa Monica egg freezing you’ll need a consultation with a fertility specialist. Your doctor takes a complete medical history, performs an assessment including bloodwork for determining ovarian reserve. They go over the process in detail and allow you to ask questions. Arrive prepared with any and all concerns or questions you may have.


7. Choose The Best Clinic

Santa Monica egg freezing at LA IVF offers the best in care for our patients. Please reach out with any questions or concerns about egg freezing, IVF or any other fertility issue. Thinking about Santa Monica egg freezing? Contact IVF today.