
Archive: Author: LA IVF

Tubal Factor Infertility-Three Big Impactors on Your Ability to Conceive

Infertility, related to tubal factors, is common in mor […]

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Calculating Your Menstrual Cycle to Find Your Most Fertile Days

Basic knowledge tells you that your best chance of gett […]

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FDA Dietary Recommendations for Women Who Want to Conceive

When you’re trying to conceive a baby it seems as thoug […]

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The Role of Prenatal Vitamins and Supplements During Pregnancy

In a perfect world, we’d get all the vitamins, minerals […]

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6 Things You Need to Know About IVF Before Applying

In vitro fertilization, or IVF, is possibly one of the […]

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I’ve Had Multiple Miscarriages, What Can I Do to Conceive?

Miscarriage is devastating for any parent. The heartbre […]

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How Nutrition and Weight Can Impact Your Fertility

We’re learning more and more everyday about the role nu […]

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Worried About Your Embryo? See How Embryo Testing Lays Your Concerns to Rest

When you’re undergoing treatment for infertility it can […]

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Little Swimmers Struggling? Here Are a Few Things You Can Try


One in six couples deals with infertility when trying t […]

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5 Things Women Need to Know About Egg Freezing

For many women, egg freezing is a miraculous medical ad […]

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