
5 Signs You’re Ready to Explore IVF in Culver City

adult finger holding her baby's hand

Are you having trouble conceiving or does it seem as though you’ve been trying forever with zero success? Has your doctor diagnosed you with an autoimmune disorder, endometriosis, PCOS or other issues that may impact your fertility? If so, you may be ready to explore IVF in Culver City.

In vitro fertilization, IVF, has been around for a very long time. In fact, the very first successful IVF baby, Louise Brown, is 46 years old. Since that day in 1978, according to a paper published by the NIH, doctors estimate more than 12 million babies born worldwide to parents who otherwise may not have produced biological children. IVF is safe and effective and considered a mainstream treatment for infertility in the US and throughout the world.

But how do you know IVF is right for you and when you’re ready to explore IVF in Culver City? Determining it’s time for you and your partner to see a doctor specializing in treatment for infertility relies on a few different criteria. It’s a big decision but there are certain signs and conditions that point you toward IVF in Culver City. Here are 5 signs it may be the right time to pursue fertility treatment and IVF may be your right path to parenthood.


Biologically, Age Does Matter

It’s important that you and your partner acknowledge time may not be on your side. Generally, doctors consider a woman over 35 years of age as being of advanced maternal age. That’s because with each passing year your ovarian reserve diminishes in quantity and quality.

A woman is born with all of the eggs they’ll ever have. While that number is in the millions that doesn’t ensure viability of all the eggs. With each menstrual cycle you ovulate and if the egg remains unfertilized it’s shed during your period. This occurs each month from your first period until you reach menopause, unless you become pregnant.


1. You’ve Been Trying to Conceive Without Success in Culver City

So yes, it does become more difficult to conceive as you get older. That’s why, if you’re over 35, your doctor advises you to consult with a fertility specialist if you’ve tried to conceive for six consecutive months without success. If you’re under 35 years of age, your doctor may advise trying to conceive without success after 12 consecutive months of unprotected sex. That’s an important sign you’re ready to explore IVF in Culver City.


2. Your OB-GYN Has Done All They Can Do

When you consult your primary care doctor or OB-GYN regarding your fertility they may run a series of tests that check your hormone levels and take a look at your medical history for both partners. Based on their findings they may refer you to a fertility specialist who can better serve your needs through further testing, in-depth diagnosis and treatment.

Depending on your diagnosis your fertility specialist recommends a course of treatment and may urge you to explore IVF in Culver City. Of course, it is ultimately your decision however your fertility specialist can answer any questions you may have before you decide.


3. Your Periods are Irregular or Non-Existent

Ovulatory issues account for 25% of all infertility diagnoses, according to the NIH. Those who have issues with ovulation often also have irregular periods or no periods at all. Females of any age are susceptible to ovulatory dysfunction, but seeking help from your fertility specialist may bring solutions. Depending on the reason behind your hit-and-miss ovulation, your doctor may encourage you to explore IVF in Culver City as a way forward.


4. The Male Partner’s Semen Analysis is Abnormal

If your male partner has a low sperm count, slow-moving sperm (low motility) or sperm of poor quality conception becomes complicated at best. If there is a reason you should suspect your male partner’s fertility is an issue schedule a semen analysis right away. Things like trauma to the testicles, problems with ejaculation and erectile dysfunction may be signs of compromised male fertility. Depending on the severity of the diagnosis IVF in Culver City may hold the key to successful conception.

One of the procedures that doctors perform along with IVF in Culver City is intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Your doctor ensures fertilization by injecting sperm directly into the egg. Through this process doctors provide hope for patients with even very low sperm counts.


5. You’ve Experienced Multiple Miscarriages

Miscarriage is devastating and multiple miscarriages just compound that grief. When you experience two or more miscarriages your doctor may suspect you have a fertility issue that impacts 3% of all couples. Recurrent miscarriage often relates to genetic abnormalities within the embryo, underlying medical conditions like thyroid disease, a structural issue with your uterus or advanced reproductive age.

When you explore IVF in Culver City, you’ll find your fertility doctor provides resources for preventing recurrent miscarriage. The testing you have done prior to IVF in Culver City examines your health and the health of your uterus. Once you begin IVF and your embryos develop the lab performs preimplantation genetic testing to ensure the genetic health of your embryos. For those who’ve experienced multiple miscarriages IVF offers hope.


Ready to Explore IVF in Culver City?

If you’re ready to explore IVF in Culver City please reach out to LA IVF. Our specialists offer the very best in solutions for your infertility with compassion and care. Contact LA IVF today and schedule your consultation.