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Archive: Tag: IVF tips

9 Tips to Prepare Mentally & Physically for Your IVF Journey

It’s been said that IVF is a marathon and not a sprint. Sprints rely on quick bursts of energy and thought and are over in seconds. A marathon, on the other hand, is long, arduous and calls on a lot more inner reserve, both physically and mentally. You may think you can’t go on, but […]

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How Can a Couple Prepare Together for IVF: 7 Tips

When you’re in the midst of your IVF cycle, the medication-fueled mood swings, daily injections and seemingly endless appointments, poking, prodding and laser focus on a successful cycle takes center stage. Not surprisingly the spontaneity of romance is set aside, and some couples feel the stress of the endeavor. Of course, the outcome is worth […]

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What Week are Most IVF Babies Born, and 11 Other IVF FAQs, Answered

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is the most common type of assisted reproductive technology used today. More than eight million babies have arrived since the first successful IVF baby, Louise Brown arrived in the UK in 1978. According to the CDC Assisted reproductive technology makes up 2% of births in the US annually. Thanks to IVF […]

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7 Helpful Practices to Calm Your IVF Anxiety

The overwhelming anxiety surrounding infertility and treatment for infertility is real. In fact, according to the NIH, roughly 20% of men and over 40% of women enter into their first IVF cycle with anxiety. That kind of stress sets you up for the more crippling depression and even takes a toll on your body to […]

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What Are Some Natural Remedies to Improve My IVF Outcome

Successful IVF depends on many things. The quality of the eggs and sperm, the viability of the embryos and your body’s response throughout the entire IVF cycle all help determine the outcome. And between the doctor’s appointments, tests, ultrasounds, hormone injections and schedules you likely feel as though you don’t have any control. However, a […]

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5 Ways to Manage Your Mind During IVF

Your fertility journey is just that-an expedition into the unknown that results in something you’ve always dreamed of-growing your family. When you pursue IVF you and your partner may find yourselves fraught with emotions. The roller coaster of emotions is only enhanced by your fertility medications. One minute your outlook is positive and focused on […]

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Navigating Your IVF Journey – Your Checklist Part 2

At this point in your IVF journey the appropriate tests have been performed and you and your fertility specialist have set a course for your IVF cycle. Your ovulation has been charted and recorded on your individual calendar and you will be prescribed medication that will aid your ovaries in producing several mature eggs at […]

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The Best Self Care Techniques During IVF

Self-care is essential at any time of life. Defined as “any activity we do to deliberately take care of ourselves” self-care can be as simple as clearing your calendar of unimportant “stuff”, shutting down your devices for a bit, or taking a walk. You needn’t schedule a trip to a spa, or go “off the […]

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