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Category: Tubal Reversal

5 Infertility Treatment Challenges & Solutions

Trying to conceive with no success creates challenges for many couples and individuals. If after 12 consecutive months of unprotected intercourse you haven’t conceived (six months for females over the age of 35) you should schedule an appointment for a fertility assessment. The forthcoming diagnosis itself presents a challenge. Should your doctor determine you are […]

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How to Know If Tubal Reversal Is Right for You

Tubal ligation (having your tubes “tied”) prevents pregnancy by tying, cutting or cauterizing your fallopian tubes thus preventing sperm and egg from meeting. Fertilization, and therefore pregnancy, cannot take place when you have a tubal ligation. In the US alone approximately 700,000 tubal ligations take place annually. The effectiveness rate, at 99%, makes this method […]

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How Tubal Reversal Works: Candidates & Options

A tube reversal is the procedure that reverses tubal ligation. A tubal ligation, also known as having your tubes “tied”, provides a permanent form of birth control for females. Sometimes those who’ve had a tubal ligation decide, for myriad reasons, do, in fact, wish to conceive at a later date. When this occurs, many females […]

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Understanding Fallopian Tube Factors Impacting Fertility

Fallopian tubal factor infertility occurs when there is a blockage in the fallopian tubes preventing the egg from meeting the sperm. Blockage of the fallopian tubes, accounts for 30% of infertility diagnoses. These cases range from complete blockages of the fallopian tubes to scar tissue that makes the tubes impassable. Depending on the cause, blockages […]

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Will Taking Birth Control Make it Harder to Get Pregnant?

Birth control

It’s certainly one of life’s great ironies; when you’re at your most fertile you take steps to prevent pregnancy and when you are ready to start a family your fertility is beginning to wane. If you’re over 30 and it seems to be taking longer than you’d anticipated to conceive, you’re probably wondering if something […]

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Tubal Reversal – Are You a Candidate?

Tubal ligation, or “having your tubes tied”, is one of the most popular forms of sterilization in the United States. Slightly greater than 25 percent of women who are of childbearing age opt for this method to prevent pregnancy. Tubal ligation is a relatively simple procedure in which a small incision is made into the […]

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