Planning Parenthood: Fertility Treatments for LGBTQ+ Families in Pasadena
Same-sex couples, transgender or non-binary individuals and their partners, and other nontraditional unions face specific dilemmas when choosing their path to parenthood. To grow their family, a significant number of members of the LGBTQ+ community turn to fertility doctors as a valuable resource. Fertility treatments for LGBTQ+ couples who desire a family of their […]
Finding Egg Donors and Surrogates in Santa Monica
Many couples hit a few bumps in the road while growing their family. Sometimes, that means using donor eggs or a gestational carrier, also known as a surrogate. In the case of a same sex male couple, having a child requires both an egg donor and a surrogate. If you and your partner find you […]
Finding the Right IVF Doctor
Finding the right IVF doctor for you and your partner is easy once you know what to look for. However, not all IVF doctors and clinics are the same, so bear that in mind when you begin your search. Some doctors maintain certification in reproductive endocrinology and specialize in infertility. Others do not. Some clinics […]
What Can You Learn with PGT Preimplantation Genetic Testing?
Preimplantation genetic testing boosts your odds of successful conception and pregnancy when used in conjunction with IVF. Once the lab fertilizes your eggs with your partner’s sperm, your embryos develop. A few days after fertilization, at what’s known as the blastocyst stage, the embryos develop two sets of cells. One is the pre-placental cells or […]
Is Freezing Eggs the Right Choice for You? Insights from Fertility Experts in Beverly Hills
Freezing your eggs is a personal choice that many females in Beverly Hills make every day. There are several reasons for freezing eggs that remain instrumental in making that decision. Here we offer insights from fertility experts in Beverly Hills that may help you make your choice. Who Opts for Freezing Eggs in Beverly Hills? […]
Does Being Obese Interfere with Fertility?
Obesity is a major health concern in the U.S. The obesity rate for Americans ages 15 and over is a staggering 42.4%. Researchers predict that number will creep past 50% in the next decade. And with it any related and potentially life-limiting conditions such as hypertension, diabetes and heart disease. You already know the list […]