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Category: IVF Journey

IVF Babies: Birth Week, Health Tips & the Process Explained

Pregnancies conceived through IVF carry a slightly higher-than-average risk for birth before 40 weeks, the normal gestation term. Babies born before 37 weeks are preterm, but not necessarily premature. Most of the brain and lung development occurs rapidly toward the end of gestation. Doctors monitor babies’ development and tend toward early, but safe delivery for […]

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Ready to Explore IVF? Do These 7 Things First

If you’re like most people, you reel a bit after a diagnosis of infertility. But then you begin investigating your options. One of those options, IVF, isn’t for everyone and, depending on your diagnosis, may or may not address your needs. But, for many couples and individuals IVF offers a successful option to grow their […]

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9 Tips to Prepare Mentally & Physically for Your IVF Journey

It’s been said that IVF is a marathon and not a sprint. Sprints rely on quick bursts of energy and thought and are over in seconds. A marathon, on the other hand, is long, arduous and calls on a lot more inner reserve, both physically and mentally. You may think you can’t go on, but […]

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4 Tips for Choosing the Right IVF Clinic

Choosing the right IVF clinic involves doing some homework. It certainly isn’t a choice you make without some research. Dealing with infertility is a multifaceted undertaking. There are so many factors you and your partner must consider. And while your physical health is a major part of your journey through infertility, you should consider your […]

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4 Topics to Discuss As a Couple Before Moving Forward with IVF

When you undergo treatment for infertility in order to conceive there are so many decisions and factors along the way. And it can be taxing even if the journey is a relatively smooth one. Going through the experience with a partner may take a toll on your relationship. That’s why it’s best you discuss things […]

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6 Common Infertility Misconceptions to Ignore

Infertility is not an uncommon condition in the US today. In fact roughly 9% of men and 11% of women experience infertility according to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Doctors describe infertility as the inability to conceive after 12 months of unprotected intercourse (Six months for women over 35.). It’s very […]

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How Fertility Treatments May Affect Your Job

Navigating infertility and treatment isn’t exactly all smooth sailing. Between medications, countless appointments and all else that pertains to your particular journey you likely feel completely overwhelmed. While both partners invest deeply in the outcome it’s primarily the female who carries the pregnancy and endures many of the hormonal and emotional ups and downs along […]

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Will the Overturning of Roe Affect IVF?

In the wake of the US Supreme Court’s 2022 decision to overturn abortion rights law previously protected based on the Roe v Wade case of 1973 many concerns arise daily. For instance, how will the ruling impact treatment for infertility, especially IVF? Obviously, the overturning of Roe carries many implications that affect healthcare and reproductive […]

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How Can a Couple Prepare Together for IVF: 7 Tips

When you’re in the midst of your IVF cycle, the medication-fueled mood swings, daily injections and seemingly endless appointments, poking, prodding and laser focus on a successful cycle takes center stage. Not surprisingly the spontaneity of romance is set aside, and some couples feel the stress of the endeavor. Of course, the outcome is worth […]

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What Week are Most IVF Babies Born, and 11 Other IVF FAQs, Answered

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is the most common type of assisted reproductive technology used today. More than eight million babies have arrived since the first successful IVF baby, Louise Brown arrived in the UK in 1978. According to the CDC Assisted reproductive technology makes up 2% of births in the US annually. Thanks to IVF […]

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