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Category: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Common Misconceptions About Fertility Health, Debunked

You can’t always trust what you read on the internet or what you hear from a well-intentioned family member, friend, coworker or stranger. Those statements are never more true than when you question your fertility health. So many misconceptions float around that we thought it was high time to debunk the worst of them, explain […]

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Understanding How Hormonal Balance Impacts Fertility

Out of balance hormones disrupt your day-to-day life in many ways. Females may notice symptoms such as heavy or irregular periods, hair loss and vaginal dryness. Some of the conditions directly related to hormones experienced by both males and females are Acne: While usually caused by clogged pores acne also responds to hormone fluctuations. Hormones […]

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Advanced Reproductive Surgery Questions, Answered

Advanced reproductive surgery is highly specialized and minimally invasive. Through the use of a laparoscope, your doctor assesses and addresses any abnormalities of the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus. The primary goal of advanced reproductive surgery is to repair any same to those reproductive organs and restore normal function. With advanced reproductive surgery the laparoscopic […]

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How PCOS Affects Fertility Treatment

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder that impacts the lives of approximately 8%-13% of females of reproductive age. Many more females remain undiagnosed. Although much is unknown regarding PCOS there are certain symptoms those who suffer have in common.   What Causes PCOS? Doctors currently cannot identify an exact cause for PCOS. Because […]

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Subtle Signs of Female Infertility

Many couples and individuals don’t suspect infertility until they try to conceive. Months and months of unprotected intercourse that doesn’t result in pregnancy raises suspicions. For those over 35, six consecutive months of trying to conceive with no result should prompt concern. Under 35? Twelve consecutive months of unprotected sex and no pregnancy should prompt […]

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Could My Infertility Be Caused by Genetics?

Our genetics are the roadmap of our heredity. Where did you get your big brown eyes? Why is your hair fine and straight? Who gave you those freckles? It’s all right there in your DNA. Your genes make you the wondrous, beautiful, and unique being you are today. But what about the not-so-great things? Things […]

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What is OHSS and How to Minimize the Risk

Fertility treatment is an answer to the prayers, hopes and dreams of many couples and individuals experiencing infertility. IUI, IVF and cryopreservation of your eggs all involve ovarian stimulation. When your physician provides medication to encourage your ovaries to produce mature eggs it’s known as ovarian stimulation. While these treatments are highly successful, they are […]

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Does Being Obese Interfere with Fertility?

Obesity is a major health concern in the U.S. The obesity rate for Americans ages 15 and over is a staggering 42.4%. Researchers predict that number will creep past 50% in the next decade. And with it any related and potentially life-limiting conditions such as hypertension, diabetes and heart disease. You already know the list […]

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Are There Herbs to Naturally Support My Fertility Treatment?

In the last few decades the traditional western approach to medicine combined with naturopathic medicine proved to be successful in treating many conditions. Naturopathic medicine uses natural remedies such as herbs, supplements, acupuncture and nutrition as a means of helping the body heal itself. But what are the benefits of herbal supplements to fertility? And […]

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How Acupuncture Complements Your Fertility Treatment

When it comes to assisted reproductive technology (ART) doctors and researchers strive to come up with new, innovative and successful techniques to support treatment such as IVF. The goal is to improve your chances for a positive outcome and help you achieve your dream of growing your family. Modern medicine is chock-full of treatments for […]

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