How Does Perimenopause Affect Fertility
A woman’s biology, in particular her reproductive biology, is complex and often riddled with misunderstanding. The transition to menopause is one area, in particular, where confusion seems to reign. While technically menopause occurs when a woman goes 12 consecutive months without a period, there is an extent of time, from two to twelve years prior […]
What is Azoospermia and What Can I Do About It?
Infertility is a difficult diagnosis but for those dealing with compromised fertility, you aren’t alone. According to infertility statistics from the Centers for Disease Control, one in five women of childbearing years experience difficulty conceiving after one year of trying. Of all infertility cases worldwide male factor infertility accounts for up to 50%. The causes […]
Top 10 Fertility Misconceptions
When you’re trying to conceive without success it can be difficult to know what to do. Even the so-called internet experts and websites inundate you with false information and half-truths some of the time. Wading through the misconceptions about conception only makes you feel more confused and often hopeless. The only source of factual information […]
Unexplained Infertility. What Can Be Done?
So, you and your partner are trying to conceive, and it’s taking much longer than you thought. After a year of trying to grow your family without success (6 months if you’re over 35) it’s time for some answers. But those answers may not be as clear cut as you want. Unexplained Infertility According […]
What Causes Male Factor Infertility and What Can We Do?
When a couple tries to conceive without success finding a reason is critical. The focus at that point typically shifts to the woman’s fertility. Is she ovulating? Might she have endometriosis? PCOS? What about her age? These are all very valid concerns when a couple has trouble conceiving. If a couple is trying to conceive […]
How to Talk to Family About Your IVF Journey: 5 Tips
When you embark on your IVF journey emotions may overwhelm you. Your wellbeing is of the utmost importance, especially now. But between your anxiety and the medication to ramp up your hormones you feel out of sorts and probably in need of a friend, a cupcake and a box of tissues. Understandably, going through your […]
Will Playing Sports Impact My Fertility?
Whether you have a standing pick-up basketball game at your local park each week or you belong to a beach volleyball league your sports participation may concern you regarding your fertility. Here we take a look at how playing sports impacts both male and female fertility. Participating in sports is a great way to get […]
The Best 9 Foods to Have While Going Through IVF
We’ve all heard the credo “you are what you eat” and there’s a lot of truth to that. What we eat, along with the way we live, has a huge impact on health and wellness. A steady diet that’s high in processed foods, trans fats and sugar may spell trouble for your heart health, diabetes […]
New Hope for Older Moms
Today’s parents have more options than ever available to them thanks to advances in assisted reproductive technology. Women in their 40s and 50s realistically entertain the notion of growing their families. Although your fertility changes as you age that no longer mans the door to having a child is permanently shut. Here are some of […]
8 Warning Signs You Could Be Suffering from Fertility Issues
Most people don’t consider fertility until they want to start a family. Suddenly what seemed easy is a challenge. Month after month, to no avail, you schedule intercourse around the ideal time for conception and then your period arrives right on time and you sigh in frustration. Sound familiar? According to The National Infertility Association […]