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Understanding Fallopian Tube Factors Impacting Fertility

Fallopian tubal factor infertility occurs when there is a blockage in the fallopian tubes preventing the egg from meeting the sperm. Blockage of the fallopian tubes, accounts for 30% of infertility diagnoses. These cases range from complete blockages of the fallopian tubes to scar tissue that makes the tubes impassable. Depending on the cause, blockages […]

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Infertility and Intimacy: Tips to Prevent Sex from Becoming a Chore

Trying to conceive, in the beginning, carries its own kind of romance. The bond of intimacy and tenderness you feel while planning your future family is a loving and beautiful experience. But when month after month brings no pregnancy the luster of, well, lust, wears thin. Infertility takes a toll on intimacy, but it doesn’t […]

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How to Respond to “When Are You Having a Baby?”

You know the scene; you’re at a gathering of family and friends when someone asks aloud “So when are you going to have a baby” and you feel the sucker punch in the gut. Of course, the inquisitor intends no ill will and likely has no idea of your struggles to conceive. They’re simply asking […]

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6 Common Infertility Misconceptions to Ignore

Infertility is not an uncommon condition in the US today. In fact roughly 9% of men and 11% of women experience infertility according to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Doctors describe infertility as the inability to conceive after 12 months of unprotected intercourse (Six months for women over 35.). It’s very […]

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How Fertility Treatments May Affect Your Job

Navigating infertility and treatment isn’t exactly all smooth sailing. Between medications, countless appointments and all else that pertains to your particular journey you likely feel completely overwhelmed. While both partners invest deeply in the outcome it’s primarily the female who carries the pregnancy and endures many of the hormonal and emotional ups and downs along […]

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Pros and Cons of At-Home Fertility Tests

At-home fertility testing is a booming market. And why not? It’s so much easier to test, both male and female fertility, in your own home and it’s absolutely more convenient. But just how do these tests work and, moreover, how accurate are they at confirming fertility and predicting conception? Here we take a look at […]

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Common Sperm Disorders that Cause Infertility

There are more than a few conditions which cause male infertility. Among them; hormonal imbalances, retrograde ejaculation (semen ejaculates into the bladder) and erectile dysfunction. But the most common cause of male factor infertility is a sperm disorder such as low sperm count, abnormal sperm, low motility (movement) and the absence of sperm. Here we […]

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6 Tests to Diagnose Infertility in Men

When you’ve tried for twelve consecutive months to conceive and haven’t had success (or 6 months for women over 35) it’s time for an evaluation of your fertility. While some people still think of infertility as solely a women’s issue, male factor infertility is nearly as common as female factor infertility. Infertility impacts the lives […]

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10 Tests to Diagnose Infertility in Women

Infertility is a common issue for couples and individuals in the US. In fact, according to the Office on Women’s Health roughly 6.1 million women in the US deal with infertility (about 10%) during their reproductive years. Doctors identify infertility as an inability to conceive after 12 months or more of unprotected intercourse. For women […]

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8 Tips to Help Couples Cope with Infertility

Coping with infertility is a challenge for couples, to be sure. The diagnosis is a constant presence and just letting go feels impossible. Couples who suffer from infertility may find themselves growing apart, feeling blamed or many other not-so-good emotions that take a terrible toll on your relationship. But if you take the time to […]

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