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Category: IVF Treatment

Could the Covid Vaccine Interfere with Fertility Treatments

Covid-19 has ravaged this country and the world for more than a year now. Finally there seems to be a light at the end of this frustrating tunnel. Globally, and especially in the U.S., we are beginning to return to some degree of normalcy. This is due in no small part to the distribution of […]

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How Does Natural Cycle IVF Compare to Conventional IVF?

A diagnosis of infertility often leads to a lot of confusion. There are many options to grow your family depending on the cause of your infertility. The process of deciding on the right one for you involves discussing best options with your physician based on your diagnosis and determining your right path for success. Many […]

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What is Natural IVF & What Are The Benefits?

Infertility treatment involves many different options. Your personal concerns, medical considerations and of course finances each play a key role. We strive to provide you with all the information available, so you can make the right choice. We’re with you each step of the way. One of the more recent “come backs” in treatment for […]

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What Everyone Should Know About Fertility Preservation

Fertility preservation is a term used to describe specific options for treatment available to those individuals and couples who want the opportunity to have a baby at a later date. Fertility preservation is extremely useful for those who are faced with the possibility of losing their ability to procreate. The preservation of sperm, eggs and […]

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How Does Ovulation Induction Work?

When you begin testing, and subsequent treatment for infertility, there are so many unfamiliar buzzwords and names being tossed about you probably feel like you need a cheat sheet of definitions so you can understand. Get ready because by the time you’re holding your little bundle of joy you’ll feel like a walking glossary of […]

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8 Tips For Caring For Yourself Right After Embryo Transfer

Transfer day is an exciting time in the IVF process. It’s the day of the big game, and everything you’ve done leading up to this day has been focused on preparing for the embryo transfer. You’ve taken your meds, followed your doctor’s instructions to the letter, and maintained an ultra-healthy lifestyle. You’re ready and your […]

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For same sex male couples what is involved in starting a family? Where to begin?

For Same-Sex Male Couples: What Is Involved in Starting a Family? Where to Begin? For so many individuals the goal of parenthood is a given. In fact, it’s very likely you’ve always imagined yourself raising a child or children, long before you came to understand your own sexuality. No matter if you identify as same-gender […]

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Should You Avoid Sports During Fertility Treatment

People participate in sports for many different reasons. Competition can be a fun way to challenge yourself to do better, athletic endeavors offer a great way to stay fit, and slamming a tennis ball over the net or making that perfect drive onto the green just feels good. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or weekend […]

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Don’t forget about Self Care for Body, Mind, and Soul During Fertility Treatment

Taking care of yourself, mind, body, and soul is always essential to a healthy life. This type of holistic self-care is never more important to your personal well being than when you are going through treatment for infertility. It’s widely known that stressors of all kinds-emotional, physical, spiritual-take a toll on health. There’s a direct […]

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Getting Through Family Functions While Undergoing Treatment for Infertility

When you’re going through treatment for infertility it seems as though every encounter is fraught with emotion. Feelings of vulnerability and a looming sense of “what if?” make even a trip to the grocery store feel like you’re navigating a minefield of feelings. Family gatherings are nearly impossible to endure without needing a moment to […]

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