Supporting Your Partner Through Fertility Treatments: Tips for Couples in Santa Monica

Infertility puts a strain on even the healthiest relationships. When you decide on fertility treatments it may seem as though you’re riding a roller coaster of emotions. One day you’re up and feeling positive and the next you may find your hope hanging by a thread. Stress and anxiety go hand-in-hand with infertility and fertility […]
Alternatives & Complementary Therapies in Fertility Treatment
Alternative and complementary medicine isn’t a new concept when treating chronic conditions or even in treating the common cold. In fact a recent survey found 38% of US adults use some form of alternative and complementary therapies when treating a whole host of different conditions. The term alternative medicine describes the use of some form […]
Yoga & IVF: How Regular Exercise Can Increase Your Success
If you’re preparing for an IVF cycle, you’re no doubt well aware of the stress that goes with such a procedure. But, of course, your commitment to the journey to have your child is strong. Keeping your stress at bay and helping the process along sounds impossible but when you make yoga a daily practice […]
How to Improve Your Fertility with Movement & Exercise
Movement and exercise benefit your health in many different ways. Regularly engaging in some form of aerobic exercise engages your heart and strengthens your cardiovascular system. Exercise burns calories, balances blood sugar and reduces stress and anxiety. The advantages of a regular movement and exercise program are many, but one advantage is of particular interest […]
5 Insights About IVF Soon to Be Parents Want to Know Most
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a form of assisted reproductive technology used for treating infertility. When you’re diagnosed with infertility, you and your doctor address the issues and, if possible, examine your treatment opportunities. IVF is a common treatment for many issues impacting your ability to conceive. But, if you aren’t familiar with the procedure […]
Can OTC Medications Be Harmful During IVF?
Those undergoing IVF do everything possible to ensure a successful outcome. For some people that means giving up certain vices like alcohol, coffee and fast food. Others may embrace the healthiest diet choices, switch to organic produce and give up any known inflammatory foods like red meat. But what about OTC medications? What do you […]
9 Tips to Prepare Mentally & Physically for Your IVF Journey
It’s been said that IVF is a marathon and not a sprint. Sprints rely on quick bursts of energy and thought and are over in seconds. A marathon, on the other hand, is long, arduous and calls on a lot more inner reserve, both physically and mentally. You may think you can’t go on, but […]
Acupuncture & Fertility: 5 Things to Know
Acupuncture is the practice of inserting very fine needles into the body at certain points. There are certain points located along the meridians, or energy channels, which when manipulated may correct imbalances within the body. Acupuncture is a key component in the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine and restores homeostasis, or optimal function, to the […]
The Ultimate Guide to Nutritional Supplements for Improved Fertility
Fertility is a much more complex process than many people realize. In fact, unless you’re struggling with infertility, you probably wouldn’t give it a second thought. But for roughly one in five couples in the US, the act of conceiving a child is anything but easy. Basic biology teaches us that healthy sperm must meet […]
Infertility and Intimacy: Tips to Prevent Sex from Becoming a Chore
Trying to conceive, in the beginning, carries its own kind of romance. The bond of intimacy and tenderness you feel while planning your future family is a loving and beautiful experience. But when month after month brings no pregnancy the luster of, well, lust, wears thin. Infertility takes a toll on intimacy, but it doesn’t […]