Those undergoing IVF do everything possible to ensure a successful outcome. For some people that means giving up certain vices like alcohol, coffee and fast food. Others may embrace the healthiest diet choices, switch to organic produce and give up any known inflammatory foods like red meat. But what about OTC medications? What do you do, if you get a headache or cold or your allergies flare up?
If you’re beginning an IVF cycle, you may want to think twice before popping that naproxen or ibuprofen and no matter how uncomfortable your sinuses, take a pause and read this before you take a decongestant. Some OTC medications may be harmful during IVF and here we give you the information you need to make the best choice.
A Word About Medications and IVF
Before we list the OTC medications that pose a risk during IVF, we need to say a word about prescription medications. If your doctor diagnosed you with a chronic condition and you take prescription medication to manage that condition, please speak with your IVF doctor before stopping medication. In this article we specifically address over-the-counter medications, that is those which you can purchase without a prescription.
Before beginning IVF treatment make a list of all the medications you currently take-prescription, OTC and supplements. Go over that list with your physician. The reason you should avoid some of these medications and supplements?
- Potential interference with fertility medications
- Risk for hormone imbalance caused by supplements or medications
- Impair effectiveness of treatment
Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers
Many of the components of treatment for IVF carry a risk of discomfort. The stimulating medications may cause headaches and pelvic discomfort and egg retrieval causes some pain as well. There are common OTC medications deemed safe during some stages of IVF and during other phases you should avoid the same OTC medications.
In general, you should avoid taking any NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) while going through your IVF cycle. Various studies show mixed results, so unless your doctor advises you otherwise its best to avoid NSAIDs during this time. NSAID medications are commonly known as:
- Aspirin
- Ibuprofen (Motrin and Advil, for example.)
- Naproxen Sodium (like Aleve)
You may take acetaminophen (such as Tylenol) to relieve pain and reduce fever during your IVF cycle. This medication offers relief for most people from any of the aches and pains or discomfort associated with your treatment. If acetaminophen doesn’t address your pain, speak to your doctor.
Over-the-Counter Cold and Allergy Medications
While cold symptoms or allergies sometimes feel unbearable, you should limit the OTC medications you take. Natural cough drops and cough syrups such as elderberry syrup and lozenges pose no threat to your IVF treatment. Home remedies such as honey, ginger tea, steam and saltwater gargle pose no threat either.
For allergies and congestion, a saline nasal spray or neti pot often provides relief. If airborne substances such as pollen and smog or fumes trigger an allergic response try wearing a face mask when you’re outdoors. And according to the American College of Allergy Asthma and Immunology, a good quality air purifier is a wonderful investment that reduces airborne allergens in your home or office.
Unless your doctor says otherwise, you should avoid antihistamines such as Allegra, Claritin and Zyrtec. While these OTC medications provide immense relief for allergy sufferers, it’s best you avoid antihistamines while undergoing IVF treatment.
OTC Meds for Nausea, Heartburn and Vomiting
Stomach distress such as nausea and vomiting, as well as heartburn are common reactions to many of the fertility drugs prescribed for IVF. To quell the fire of heartburn antacids such as Tums may help. Also ginger tea, ginger ale, gingersnaps, lemon drops hard candy, peppermint tea and anti-nausea acupressure wrist bands such as Sea-Bands help with nausea and vomiting. Also, try eating small meals, clear liquids such as broth or bouillon and of course soda crackers. Be sure you drink plenty of pot water so you aren’t dehydrated.
OTC Meds for Constipation and Diarrhea
Some people may experience constipation or diarrhea while undergoing IVF. Whether as a response to treatment or something else in life, constipation and diarrhea are uncomfortable conditions you must address. Here are some safe ways to handle both conditions.
Constipation responds very well to an increase in consumption of fruits, vegetables, fiber and plenty of fluids. Non-chemical OTC medications for relief of constipation are safe. If that doesn’t solve the problem, you may take psyllium-based fiber laxatives such as Metamucil or stimulant free laxatives such as Colace.
For diarrhea the main focus is staying hydrated. Just remember to drink fluids often. Keep the BRAT diet in mind; Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and Toast are easy on your digestive system. If all else fails safe, OTC medications for relief off diarrhea are Kaopectate or Imodium, with your doctor’s approval.
Manage Common Illnesses and Conditions With Your Doctor’s Help
Common everyday maladies don’t stop during IVF, but there’s no need for discomfort. Manage your illness or condition with your doctor’s approval and avoid OTC medications which may be harmful during IVF. For more information on how you can manage common illnesses and conditions during IVF, please contact LA IVF today.