PGT, or Preimplantation Genetic Testing (formerly known as PGS) is part of the new terminology related to genetic testing of embryos for certain conditions, prior to implantation. This new term covers all tests performed to assess the viability and health of embryos. Prior to the implementation of this new term, you may have heard genetic testing referred to by two different terms. PGD was used to describe the testing done to screen for abnormalities caused by a single gene, such as the Tay Sachs gene or cystic fibrosis. PGS tested for numerical chromosomal issues, such as Down syndrome (Trisomy 21).
Now both types of testing fall under the heading of PGT. The International Glossary on Infertility and Fertility Care chose to establish this new terminology in order to create a much more consistent and cohesive approach, in regard to terminology used by fertility clinics. In other words, we’re all now on the same page in relation to our genetic testing terminology.
Compassionate and Experienced Support for IVF Patients
Dr. Aykut Bayrak understands the overwhelming need for patients, physicians, and support staff to understand each step of the IVF process. At LA IVF we use the latest in technology to help ensure a successful outcome. When you understand the process, you feel a bit more in control, and you have more peace of mind.
LA IVF partners with couples and individuals who are dealing with fertility issues. We approach each and every patient as an individual. We believe compassion only complements our skill and knowledge and we respect your need to understand the steps we take, together, to ensure a happy, healthy, and positive experience.
Understanding the Role of PGT in Healthy IVF
When one, or both, parents are carriers of an inherited genetic abnormality, it can be frightening. Genetic issues can cause miscarriage, stillbirth, and birth defects. PGT can identify embryos with normal chromosomes, which boosts the odds, upon implantation, of your successful pregnancy and birth. Of course, there are other individual fertility factors which may affect your success, such as maternal age, the number of embryos, and the like, however, PGT has proven to have a 60-70% success rate, all things considered.
PGT Screens For Many Abnormalities
PGT screens for several conditions, birth defects, and abnormalities. These conditions are related to 4 separate genetic occurrences. These are:
- PGT-A: Aneuploidy is recognized when there is an unusual numerical presence or absence of chromosomes. For instance, 45 or 47, instead of the normal 46. Down syndrome and Turner’s syndrome are examples of aneuploidy.
- PGT-M: Monogenic, or single cell abnormalities are marked by the existence of a disease, caused by a single cell. These conditions include Huntington’s disease, Sickle Cell, Cystic Fibrosis, Polycystic Kidney Disease, and Tay Sachs.
- PGT-SR: Structural (Chromosomal) Rearrangement is present in many diseases and disorders. A SR abnormality may result in your child being developmentally delayed, having learning disorders, being physically challenged, or you could be at higher risk for your pregnancy to end in a miscarriage. These issues can be due to the fact that one of the partners can be a carrier of a “chromosomal inversion”, reciprocal translocation or Robertsonian translocation.
- PGT-HLA: Human Leukocyte Antigen are proteins-or markers-which exist on most of your body’s cells. HLA informs your immune system which cells belong in your body and which ones don’t. When HLA is tested in PGT you can find out if the embryo is a match for, say, a sibling with the disease leukemia. If the embryo is an HLA match, the cord blood from the pregnancy can be used for a possible transplant in the child with leukemia.
Improve Your Outcome
The best possible outcome for those dealing with infertility, is a healthy child. When PGT is a part of that process your odds are improved. Discuss all of your options with Dr. Bayrak so that you can be assured you’re doing everything possible to boost your odds.
For more on how PGT can help you build your family, reach out to LA IVF. We have 3 clinics to conveniently serve the greater Los Angeles, California area. If you are experiencing setbacks involving your fertility please contact us today and let LA IVF guide you to a happy, healthy outcome.