What Can I Do After a Failed IVF Treatment?
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) has improved by leaps and bounds over the last two decades. It has been reported that IVF treatment resulted in 61,740 live births in the U.S. in 2012, compared to only 20,143 in 1998. But not all IVF procedures are successful. And if yours was not successful, you may not know […]
Treating Endometriosis
There are many treatments for endometriosis and the right one depends on the particular case, associated symptoms and desire for pregnancy. Consult your obstetrician-gynecologist or a fertility specialist, if you have endometriosis or have symptoms suspicious for endometriosis. The treatment can be observation, medical or surgical depending on many variables and individual circumstances. There is […]
Should I test my embryos during my IVF treatment cycle?
Genetic testing has been in the news a lot lately. Unfortunately, a lot of what is being said and written is not accurate. While it’s quite a complicated topic, here are five facts that should give you a clearer understanding of the ins and outs of genetic testing, particularly as it relates to IVF. The […]
What is Endometriosis?
Endometriosis is a condition where endometrium, the type of tissue that lines the inside of the uterus (womb), grows in other parts of the body. Unlike in the uterus, where this tissue is shed every month during the menstrual period and then exits the body, the tissue shed by this misplaced endometrium has no exit […]
Dr. Bayrak at the 14th Annual KJLH Women’s Health Forum – April 5, 2014
Dr. Bayrak will host a breakout session at the 14th Annual 102.3 FM KJLH Women’s Health Forum on Saturday April 5, 2014 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. For a preview of the breakout session, you can listen to Dr. Bayrak’s introduction here:
Basics of a Healthy Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a journey like no other. Here are some basics that will smooth the road for you and your baby. Start Early The best time to start planning for a healthy pregnancy is when you first start thinking about becoming pregnant. The sooner you start leading a healthier lifestyle, the healthier your baby will […]
How to Stay Positive on Your IVF Journey
You just learned that your IVF procedure hasn’t worked out. You had been so hopeful, and now you’re disappointed. That is a normal feeling that many, if not most, women experience. There are many ways you can do to help you go forward. Know that this is just temporary. An unsuccessful IVF procedure is only […]
Fertility Preservation for Couples – Embryo Banking
Fertility preservation adds a new degree of flexibility to family planning, better enabling couples to have children when they want to. With advances in fertility preservation, couples can postpone childbearing for any reason and still maintain their fertility for future years. In large part, it can halt the ticking of the biological clock. A woman’s […]
Do Fibroids Affect Fertility?
Fibroids can affect fertility more commonly than once thought and frequently co-exist in many patients with the diagnosis of infertility. The types of fibroids most likely to cause reproductive problems are large fibroids (diameter greater than 4 centimeters) or those that are located inside the uterine cavity regardless of their size. Because every case is […]
Egg Freezing and Banking
Egg freezing, sometimes called cryopreservation, is a way to extend a woman’s years of fertility. The freezing of fertile eggs can be used later on to start a pregnancy through in vitro fertilization. Freezing eggs can be particularly useful to women who want to delay childbearing or women whose eggs could possibly be damaged by […]