Worried About Your Embryo? See How Embryo Testing Lays Your Concerns to Rest
When you’re undergoing treatment for infertility it can be difficult to put your fears to rest. After all, you’ve already experienced the frustration and heartache caused by roadblocks you’ve encountered along your journey to having a baby. You surely don’t want to come so far, only to find out there’s a serious threat to your […]
Little Swimmers Struggling? Here Are a Few Things You Can Try
One in six couples deals with infertility when trying to start a family. Women are usually quick to assume the responsibility of checking in with a fertility specialist, scheduling the proper tests, and finding ways to improve their own fertility. However, in half of the cases of compromised fertility men are the primary contributors to […]
5 Things Women Need to Know About Egg Freezing
For many women, egg freezing is a miraculous medical advancement. In the past, women who were facing uncertainties in their future fertility, due to cancer, or other medical issues, or who had yet to find a suitable partner, had no real options. Now, women who previously had little to no hope of conceiving a child, […]
I’m Having Trouble Getting Pregnant in My 40’s-What Options are Best For Me?
It seems as though age has little to do with getting pregnant these days. After all, 40 is the new 30-or is it 20? Celebrities, and even your friends and family members, appear to have no problem pushing motherhood off until well into their 40’s. And they make it look so easy. Odds are, if […]
What Are the Chances of Twins With Different Fertility Treatments
The mere mention of fertility treatments usually causes anyone within ear shot to comment on your odds for multiples, such as twins, triplets, or reflect on Octo Mom (remember her?), offering opinions, citing examples, and basically getting in your business. You already know and probably understand that multiples are a risk in many fertility treatments. […]
Are These Common Fertility Myths Holding You Back?
Medicine, in general, is filled with myths and legends. Common old wives tales like “starve a cold, feed a fever” are still quoted today, and grandmas everywhere warn against swimming after eating. Although neither admonition is true, it seems the myths perpetuate, to some degree. The same is true of fertility myths. There are still […]
Understanding PGT and What It Means for You
PGT, or Preimplantation Genetic Testing (formerly known as PGS) is part of the new terminology related to genetic testing of embryos for certain conditions, prior to implantation. This new term covers all tests performed to assess the viability and health of embryos. Prior to the implementation of this new term, you may have heard genetic […]
What Affects the Odds of A Successful IVF
Successful IVF isn’t always a smooth endeavor. There are several factors which will impact the outcome of your procedure, some are within your control, like your habits and lifestyle, while others, such as age, and the type of fertility issues you’re dealing with, are not something you have control over. It can be frustrating, but […]
Success Rate Statistics of IVF
IVF, just as any fertility treatment, is highly influenced by individual circumstances for success. What may work for one individual, or couple, may not work for another. Although the basic processes are the same, harvesting eggs and sperm, fertilization in a laboratory setting, implantation of embryo(s), or freezing for later use, there are many factors […]
Conceiving Using Egg Freezing and A Surrogate
Some of the greatest advances in medicine have come in the area of infertility. Couples and individuals who, just a few decades ago, had no hope of having their own biological child now have some options to allow them to fulfill that dream. Medicine has opened the door for those who wish to start families, […]