How To Take Control of Your IVF Treatment/ How to Stay Involved in Your IVF Treatment
Dealing with infertility makes you feel out of control. You have no say over your ability to reproduce, you feel lost regarding your plans for the future, as though you’ve been thrust, unwillingly, into your “new normal”. It’s easy to succumb to the sense that you are no longer in charge. Obviously, you do have […]
Surgical Treatment Options for Tubal Disease
Tubal disease is a fairly common cause of infertility, according to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. The ASRM reports tubal disease accounts for up to 35% of all infertility cases. When a woman experiences tubal disease, it’s often undiagnosed until fertility becomes an issue. At that point the cause of an inability to become […]
The Pros and Cons of Exercising to Improve Fertility
Becoming the healthiest version of yourself is one of the finest gifts you can give your future child, and one that will likely improve your fertility. Diet and exercise impact every aspect of your overall health, and play a key role in your reproductive health as well. When you’re dealing with fertility issues, exercise can […]
Tubal Factor Infertility-Three Big Impactors on Your Ability to Conceive
Infertility, related to tubal factors, is common in more than 1/3 of all cases. The two fallopian tubes provide the pathway for the egg to travel to the uterus, once it’s been released from the ovary. When the egg is prevented from traveling through the tube, due to a blockage within the fallopian tube, this […]
Calculating Your Menstrual Cycle to Find Your Most Fertile Days
Basic knowledge tells you that your best chance of getting pregnant naturally occurs during ovulation. Many women can estimate their most fertile period by charting their menstrual cycle and having intercourse during those mid-point days between the onset of your periods. But it isn’t always as easy as planning for romance on the 14th day […]
FDA Dietary Recommendations for Women Who Want to Conceive
When you’re trying to conceive a baby it seems as though there are oh-so-many “do’s and don’ts” it can be hard to keep track. Starting a family, or adding to your family, is overwhelming enough, but when you add in all the advice from well-meaning friends, the media, and even the medical profession, it’s easy […]
The Role of Prenatal Vitamins and Supplements During Pregnancy
In a perfect world, we’d get all the vitamins, minerals, and nutrition we need from our diets. Unfortunately, this world is far from perfect and many of us catch our meals on the run, or skip them altogether. In an effort to achieve an ideal weight many individuals give up certain components of a balanced […]
6 Things You Need to Know About IVF Before Applying
In vitro fertilization, or IVF, is possibly one of the most widely recognized treatments for infertility in the world. The high success rate for IVF, combined with the ever-growing technology in the area of fertility, makes IVF one of the first courses of treatment for couples, or individuals, who are trying to conceive. The basics […]
I’ve Had Multiple Miscarriages, What Can I Do to Conceive?
Miscarriage is devastating for any parent. The heartbreak and agony of losing a pregnancy so dearly hoped for can easily turn one of the happiest occasions into one of the saddest moments in your life. And the emotional repercussions of miscarriage follow you through any future pregnancies you may have. When a couple, or individual, […]
How Nutrition and Weight Can Impact Your Fertility
We’re learning more and more everyday about the role nutrition plays in lifelong good health. In fact, a healthy diet, along with exercise, and living in a way that takes care of our bodies instead of stressing them, is the very foundation of physical, and emotional, well-being. Nutrition is at the root of all of […]