Should I Consider Genetic Testing Even Without Fertility Issues?
When you dream of your future family you don’t necessarily envision any problems. Pregnancy comes easily, labor is a breeze and you deliver a healthy beautiful baby. For many couples that’s true. But, in the United States, one out of every 33 babies is born with a birth defect. Birth defects remain the leading cause […]
Minimal Stimulation IVF: Does Age Matter?
Minimal stimulation IVF uses less medication, and less invasive methods of getting that medication (fewer or no injections other than toward the end of the cycle) into the patient than traditional IVF. This method combines oral medications to stimulate ovulation, such as Clomid, with other meds, like gonadotropin, to encourage follicle development and support egg […]
All of the information-and misinformation-surrounding the Covid-19 vaccines is confusing and worrisome, especially for those who are starting a family. But it’s safe to trust the science when it comes to staying protected from this deadly virus that has held the world hostage for more than a year. Researchers at the CDC, in an analysis […]
Could the Covid Vaccine Interfere with Fertility Treatments
Covid-19 has ravaged this country and the world for more than a year now. Finally there seems to be a light at the end of this frustrating tunnel. Globally, and especially in the U.S., we are beginning to return to some degree of normalcy. This is due in no small part to the distribution of […]
How Does Natural Cycle IVF Compare to Conventional IVF?
A diagnosis of infertility often leads to a lot of confusion. There are many options to grow your family depending on the cause of your infertility. The process of deciding on the right one for you involves discussing best options with your physician based on your diagnosis and determining your right path for success. Many […]
What’s The Best Type of Sperm Donor Arrangement for You?
When you’re trying to conceive and need a sperm donor it can be hard to know just where to begin. Should you ask someone you know? Someone with a genetic tie to your partner? Or should you use an anonymous donor who has many of the traits you would like for your future child? There […]
What Resources Are Available to Me in Considering Surrogacy?
Finding out you’re unable to become pregnant and bear a child is a difficult place to be. Especially if you’ve yearned for the experience and hoped to become a mother one day. Once you wrap your head around the news the oft-used phrase “new normal” begins its echo and you look into other options for […]
How much is too much: Exercise and Fertility
Everyone knows being active and having a regular, healthy way to blow off steam is beneficial in many ways. Working out not only improves your physical health but aids in maintaining a positive attitude. Consistent exercise makes you stronger, more resilient and less likely to succumb to chronic conditions later in life. Exercise and a […]
It seems as though nutrition and wellness is on the minds of everyone these days, especially those who are planning to conceive. Proper nourishment is key to the healthy development of your unborn child, but it’s also essential to your own health during pregnancy. You’re getting ready for the marathon of a lifetime and you […]
What is Natural IVF & What Are The Benefits?
Infertility treatment involves many different options. Your personal concerns, medical considerations and of course finances each play a key role. We strive to provide you with all the information available, so you can make the right choice. We’re with you each step of the way. One of the more recent “come backs” in treatment for […]