Late Miscarriage: What Are the Causes?
Miscarriage is a difficult, yet common (1 in 4) occurrence in early pregnancy. Early miscarriage usually happens due to fetal or embryo abnormalities, genetic and chromosomal abnormalities, exposure to certain toxic substances or medications the mother took prior to realizing she was pregnant. Early miscarriage is the term which describes loss of pregnancy prior to […]
Early Miscarriage: What Are the Causes?
Anyone who experiences a miscarriage knows how devastating it is. An early miscarriage, so soon after finding out and possibly sharing your happy news can almost seem like a betrayal. You may feel as though your body failed you or that nature is unbearably cruel. If you’ve experienced a miscarriage, you probably know the statistics; […]
How to Cope with the 2-Week Wait Period After IVF
Yes, it happened! After weeks, months, or years of trying, you are waiting to see the second line on your pregnancy test, or to hear from your doctor that you are pregnant. During this time, you might find yourself anxious, nervous, excited, or tired. Finding coping strategies to relax your body and calm your mind […]
Severe Male Factor Infertility: What Are Your Options?
Anticipating the growth of your family is exciting but trying to conceive without success is a frustrating experience. After one year of consistent intercourse (six months for women over 35) and no pregnancy, it’s probably time to check both partners’ fertility. Infertility impacts about 15% of couples of reproductive age. Your fertility can be compromised […]
What are the New Trends in Fertility Treatment?
Some trends in fertility treatment gaining in popularity today rose out of months-long isolation and the tendency toward introspection. More couples are opting to put off pregnancy until realizing certain life goals. Single women who want children but haven’t found the right partner are deciding to pursue motherhood on their own. New treatment options for […]
What’s the Process for Same-Sex Male Couples Who Want to Have a Child?
As a same-sex male couple, you know your path to parenthood looks different than it does for heterosexual couples. Biology alone makes that obvious! But that doesn’t mean you and your partner can’t become parents. Through advanced reproductive medicine you do have options. Here’s a peek inside the process for same-sex male couples who want […]
What is the Process of Becoming a Surrogate?
Becoming a surrogate is a gift that has no equal. You’re bringing a biological child into the world for parents who otherwise would have no option. This life-altering decision affects you and the parents you are helping. Your role in creating family requires selflessness, strength and a commitment that is sometimes challenging but always rewarding. […]
Should I Consider Freezing my Eggs?
Having a child is a highly personal decision. Planning when you have that child is equally personal. You and your partner, or you on your own, know timing is everything. As life and its demands intervene, you hit the pause button on starting a family. Unfortunately, Mother Nature doesn’t always cooperate and as your biological […]
Who Carries the Child in a Same-Sex Female Couple?
Every prospective parent faces a barrage of questions and concerns. When do we start trying? What will we name the baby? How do we make sure we’re ready? Can we afford a child? It’s only natural to experience concerns such as these and more. However, a same-sex female couple faces a unique question; who carries […]
Does My Weight Effect My Fertility?
fertility diet The journey to starting or growing a family looks different for every couple. Some couples conceive easily, and others try for months to years with no success. Infertility is an equally unique road to travel. Some diagnoses are easier to resolve than others. Body weight is a definite factor in a woman’s fertility. […]