Could My Male Factor Infertility be Genetic?
Trying to conceive is a lot harder than it seems sometimes. Although the human race continues, it’s surprising how many things have to go right in order to become pregnant. One of the roadblocks to conception is male factor infertility. When your male partner’s sperm count is low, motility is off or there’s something not […]
Birth Defects and Fertility Issues
Every four and a half minutes, a baby in the United States is born with a birth defect. The definition of birth defects is something which is a visible, internal or chemical abnormality in a newborn child. Very often the causes are genetic or chromosomal, however there are other causes, as well. Sometimes the reason […]
Genetic Carrier Screening: I’m Healthy So Do I Really Need it?
For couples and individuals with a history of genetic disorders a carrier screening test brings peace of mind. Doctors typically recommend genetic carrier screening if you or your partner are at high risk for passing on certain diseases like Tay-Sachs and cystic fibrosis. Of course, you don’t always know whether you’re a carrier and not […]
What to Expect During and After an Early Miscarriage
Early miscarriage is especially difficult. You’re likely settling into the notion that you’re pregnant and then it’s over. You’re sad and confused and, of course, apprehensive about trying again. An unfortunate statistic is that 50% of pregnancies end in miscarriage, depending on age, and it’s much higher in advanced reproductive age. The majority occur before […]
Determining How Genetics Affects Your Fertility
Genetics is of interest for many reasons. When you plan your future family, you wonder what traits your children may take from you, your partner and your other relatives. Will your daughter have your grandmother’s curly hair? Is your son doomed to inherit Uncle Charlie’s nose? Of course, it’s all in good fun, and your […]
Benefits of Freezing My Eggs in My 20s
Egg freezing is a way for women who are healthy and have a fair reserve of viable, high quality eggs to extend their fertility. Once reserved for those dealing with a condition which would compromise their reproductive health, such as cancer, sickle cell anemia, autoimmune disease or gender diversity, egg freezing is now mainstream care […]
Late Miscarriage: What Are the Causes?
Miscarriage is a difficult, yet common (1 in 4) occurrence in early pregnancy. Early miscarriage usually happens due to fetal or embryo abnormalities, genetic and chromosomal abnormalities, exposure to certain toxic substances or medications the mother took prior to realizing she was pregnant. Early miscarriage is the term which describes loss of pregnancy prior to […]
Early Miscarriage: What Are the Causes?
Anyone who experiences a miscarriage knows how devastating it is. An early miscarriage, so soon after finding out and possibly sharing your happy news can almost seem like a betrayal. You may feel as though your body failed you or that nature is unbearably cruel. If you’ve experienced a miscarriage, you probably know the statistics; […]
How to Cope with the 2-Week Wait Period After IVF
Yes, it happened! After weeks, months, or years of trying, you are waiting to see the second line on your pregnancy test, or to hear from your doctor that you are pregnant. During this time, you might find yourself anxious, nervous, excited, or tired. Finding coping strategies to relax your body and calm your mind […]
Severe Male Factor Infertility: What Are Your Options?
Anticipating the growth of your family is exciting but trying to conceive without success is a frustrating experience. After one year of consistent intercourse (six months for women over 35) and no pregnancy, it’s probably time to check both partners’ fertility. Infertility impacts about 15% of couples of reproductive age. Your fertility can be compromised […]