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Category: Infertility

What’s New in Treatment for Endometriosis?

Endometriosis affects roughly ten percent of American women between the ages of 25-40 (more than 6.5 million), the time when most women begin trying to conceive. This disease occurs when cells similar to those found in the lining of the uterus (endometrium) attach themselves outside of the uterus and tissue begins to grow. These endometrial-like […]

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7 Signs It Might Be Time to Talk to A Doctor About IVF

When you’re trying to conceive and are unsuccessful after months of intercourse without birth control, it’s time to talk to your doctor. After some basic assessments your doctor will likely refer you to a fertility doctor who specializes in Advanced Reproductive Technology, such as IVF. For many couples it’s a little surreal and disheartening to […]

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Too Much of A Good Thing? Vitamins and Supplements Need Doctor’s Approval

Peruse social media, open a magazine or turn on the TV and you’re bound to see and hear someone pushing supplements, vitamin, mineral and herbal. These supplements promise to restore your vitality, make your hair and nails grow like crazy, improve your skin and restore your libido. And that’s just the advertisements. Plenty of talk […]

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Fibroids and Their Impact on Fertility

Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous (benign) tumors that grow in the uterus. A fibroid occurs when a single muscle cell in the uterine wall multiplies and grows and forms a benign tumor. Uterine fibroids are common and affect 20% of women who are childbearing age. Within the African American community fibroids are two to four times […]

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How Does Psychotherapy Help During Infertility Treatment?

Infertility is a problem that impacts roughly 9% of men and 11% of women across the US. As mental wellness becomes more normalized in society more individuals are seeking counseling from a licensed professional to deal with difficult aspects of their lives. Infertility treatment is certainly a challenging experience; one that is hard on couples […]

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Unexplained Infertility: Is It a Myth?

unexplained infertility causes and treatment

Infertility, in and of itself, is a frustrating experience. Beginning with trying to conceive for a year or more (six months for those over 35) and having zero success to the tests and ultimately, hopefully, a treatable diagnosis. The entire endeavor is somewhat grueling emotionally and physically, but oh the payoff! You finally realize your […]

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How to Prepare For Egg Retrieval

One of the more exciting times for those on a fertility journey is the egg retrieval. But it isn’t without some trepidation. If you don’t know what to expect you are likely more anxious and a bit unsettled as the procedure approaches. Knowing what to expect is the best way to calm your fears and […]

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What is OHSS and How to Minimize the Risk

Fertility treatment is an answer to the prayers, hopes and dreams of many couples and individuals experiencing infertility. IUI, IVF and cryopreservation of your eggs all involve ovarian stimulation. When your physician provides medication to encourage your ovaries to produce mature eggs it’s known as ovarian stimulation. While these treatments are highly successful, they are […]

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Can Testosterone Use Affect My Sperm?

Testosterone is a necessary hormone for male development. Although women do produce testosterone in smaller amounts it is essential to the development of growth and physical characteristics in men. Testosterone is responsible for growth and development of:   Facial hair Pubic hair Bone and muscle mass Sex drive Vocal development/deep voice Mood Quality of life […]

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Fertility Preservation Options for Cancer Patients and What Insurance Covers

Cancer treatment greatly reduces a person’s ability to have biological children in many cases. Certain types of chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery interfere with the reproductive system often in irreparable ways, rendering the patient infertile. The term describing this type of infertility is iatrogenic. Most patients who suffer iatrogenic infertility are able to anticipate the […]

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