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Category: In Vitro Fertilization

Does Endometriosis Mean You’re Infertile

Roughly 5 million women in the United States suffer from a condition known as endometriosis. For some the symptoms are severe, causing crushing pain during your period, making intercourse very uncomfortable, and making you feel wiped out for most of the month. In other cases, about 20 percent, women present with no discernible, or uncomfortable, […]

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5 Myths About IVF You Need to Be Aware Of

Advanced reproductive technology has come a long way in the more-than-40 years since the very first IVF baby was born. IVF is now one of the most successful ways for those who struggle with fertility to realize their dream of conceiving a child. Due to the success of IVF, it has become extremely popular with […]

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6 Issues That Cause Infertility

Depending on reproductive age, 10-40 percent of women in the US have difficulty getting-and staying-pregnant. Infertility is described as the inability to conceive after 12 months of unprotected intercourse for women less than age 35, and 6 months for those women over 35. The good news is that a growing number of women are able […]

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Getting A Second Opinion for Infertility and IVF

When you receive a diagnosis of infertility the news can be devastating. For so long you imagined having children would be a simple endeavor and with the news that you or your partner have compromised fertility all of that becomes significantly more complicated. You need some time to digest your diagnosis and investigate your options. […]

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Navigating Your IVF Journey – Your Checklist Part 2

At this point in your IVF journey the appropriate tests have been performed and you and your fertility specialist have set a course for your IVF cycle. Your ovulation has been charted and recorded on your individual calendar and you will be prescribed medication that will aid your ovaries in producing several mature eggs at […]

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Navigating Your IVF Journey – Your Checklist Part 1

A diagnosis of compromised fertility can be overwhelming for most couples. First you need to come to grips with the notion of not conceiving a child naturally, then you need to determine next steps. For many couples, and individuals pursuing pregnancy, the most successful method is in vitro fertilization. IVF has been around since the […]

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Immune Problems in Infertility

Dysfunction of the immune system can wreak havoc on your body’s finely tuned system of checks and balances. In the case of autoimmune diseases the immune system goes into overtime, and your body begins to attack, and destroy, its own healthy tissue. When your immune system is deficient your body’s natural defenses are compromised, and […]

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Considering IVF: What You Need to Know First

Infertility is not an uncommon condition. The inability to conceive naturally affects roughly 10% of the population in the United States. The majority of those couples, and individuals, whose fertility is compromised seek the help of a fertility specialist, and most will go on to conceive a child through the use of IVF. Because IVF […]

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Failed IVF? Ask an Expert

A failed IVF cycle can be devastating, and disheartening, for many. Certainly, it is a big financial commitment but, moreover, IVF requires a huge investment of time, heart, and hope. When your investment results in a failed IVF attempt you likely re-evaluate your next steps toward conceiving a child.   The Reality of IVF to […]

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Dr. Bayrak’s Approach to Complex Infertility Cases at LA IVF

Infertility is defined as an inability to become pregnant after a man and woman attempt to conceive for one year, through intercourse without the use of birth control. Infertility affects up to 15% of couples who try for one year in the late 20s and early 30s but the rate is higher in late 30s […]

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