In vitro fertilization (IVF) is the most common type of assisted reproductive technology used today. More than eight million babies have arrived since the first successful IVF baby, Louise Brown arrived in the UK in 1978. According to the CDC Assisted reproductive technology makes up 2% of births in the US annually. Thanks to IVF couples who once thought they couldn’t have children find their dreams of parenthood fulfilled.
Even with the mainstream popularity of IVF, many couples and individuals have questions. Here we answer some of the more frequently asked questions in an effort to clear up any confusion. Please read on to find out the most common week of gestation in which more IVF babies arrive and many other facts about IVF.
During What Week Are Most IVF Babies Born?
The normal gestation term lasts 40 weeks. Premature, or preterm, birth occurs any time before 37 weeks. Because the rapid development of the brain and lungs occurs toward the end of the 40 weeks the longer the baby stays in-utero (up to 40 weeks) the better.
That being stated, those who conceive via IVF do tend to deliver earlier. There are a few different reasons for this but more often than not it is out of an abundance of caution. More IVF babies arrive in the 38th week of gestation. Many times, it comes down to the fact that these babies are so precious and as you are monitored through your pregnancy you and your doctor determine the safety pod an early delivery.
How Long Does IVF Take?
It’s common for IVF to last four to six weeks prior to egg retrieval. About five days after fertilization embryo transfer occurs. About ten days after your embryo transfer, we perform a pregnancy test. . Of course IVF success often takes more than one attempt so you may not become pregnant the first time.
How Long Do We Wait Between IVF Cycles?
Because you may experience some residual inflammation after your IVF cycle, we ask that you wait at least one menstrual cycle before attempting another cycle of IVF. In order for inflammation to resolve it may take up to six weeks, so we advise our patients to wait an equal amount of time to try again.
How Long Does Egg-Retrieval Take?
The procedure for collecting your eggs typically takes less than 30 minutes. Of course, the amount of time it takes depends on the number of mature eggs available for retrieval.
Do All My Follicles Produce Mature Eggs?
Not typically. Most of the time there are large follicles which produce mature eggs and there are smaller follicles which may not produce mature eggs. After inducing ovulation, most individuals have different sized follicles. Some follicles produce mature eggs, some post-mature to immature eggs while some produce no eggs at all.
Does Egg-Retrieval Hurt?
You are under sedation for egg retrieval, so you don’t experience any discomfort. This isn’t the same as being under anesthesia. You won’t require a breathing tube and you won’t experience any of the uncomfortable side effects of anesthesia such as nausea and vomiting. You’ll need someone to drive you home, and you’ll most likely want to take it easy after your egg retrieval procedure until the sedation wears off completely.
Does Embryo Transfer Hurt?
Not at all. Similar to IUI, an embryo transfer uses a small, thin cannula which your doctor inserts vaginally, through the cervix and into your uterus. The only thing you’re likely to feel is the speculum, similar to a Pap smear.
What Happens If There Are Leftover Embryos?
If you have embryos developed to the blastocyst stage but not transferred during the embryo transfer, you may opt to have them frozen (cryopreservation) for use at another time.
Is the Chance for Multiple Babies Greater With IVF?
With their doctor’s advice some couples select more than one embryo hoping the odds for successful implantation improve. Of course, there is a greater chance for multiples depending on the number of embryos that implant. When only one embryo implants there is no chance for multiple birth.
The risks associated with multiples is higher than a singleton birth. Premature birth, loss of pregnancy and a greater chance for birth defects, among other risks, occur when you have multiple babies.
Is There Anything to Help Increase Our Odds of Success?
There are a few procedures to enhance the success of your IVF treatment. Assisted Hatching is a procedure that involves manual or laser assisted penetration of the membrane surrounding the embryo. In some cases, this membrane is more difficult for the embryo to break through. By helping thin the membrane hatching is easier and implantation odds improve.
Another procedure that may improve your IVF success? Preimplantation genetic testing or PGT. At around day five post fertilization the blastocyst emerges. This means there are two types of cells developing that create the embryo. One is the embryo itself, and the other is the pre-placental cells. Embryologists remove a few of the pre-placental cells and test them for any genetic or chromosomal abnormalities.
These abnormalities cause birth defects and increase the risk for miscarriage and stillbirth.
What Can We Do to Help Improve Our Odds for Successful IVF?
Make sure you take it easy after your embryo transfer and for the next week or so until your doctor confirms the pregnancy. Avoid stress as best you can and practice self-care.
Where Can I Turn for Help with My Infertility?
Finally, if you have questions or concerns about your fertility we are here to help. At LA IVF, we understand how emotional treatment for your infertility, and we are here for you. Our caring and compassionate teams’ journey with you every step of the way, answering questions and offering support. Please contact LA IVF for more information regarding IVF or any other treatment for infertility.