When you’re trying to conceive without success it can be difficult to know what to do. Even the so-called internet experts and websites inundate you with false information and half-truths some of the time. Wading through the misconceptions about conception only makes you feel more confused and often hopeless.
The only source of factual information is your physician. If you feel confused and insure about something you’ve heard or read on the internet or elsewhere reach out to your doctor’s office for clarity. Here we clear up some of the confusion and explain the top ten misconceptions and “somewhat truths” when it comes to fertility.
The Truth About These 10 Fertility Misconceptions
A diagnosis of infertility or compromised fertility is overwhelming, and you may process all the information you receive and the feelings you experience for days or weeks. If you’re like most people, you’ll wander into a search engine and pull up all you can find on the subject to fertility. Among the info you’ll find many misconceptions. Let us help by breaking down the top fertility misconceptions, so you understand what’s really true.
- It’s a “Woman Problem”
Infertility does not solely impact women. In fact male factor infertility claims one-third of the diagnoses. Likewise, one-third of the cases are female factor and the remaining third are a combination or unexplained infertility. It is equally important for your doctor to test both of you to uncover the reasons behind your inability to conceive.
- If You’re Healthy Age Doesn’t Matter
The truth is a woman’s biological clock does matter. Your egg supply begins to decrease around age 27 and after 35 takes a dramatic dip. Not only does your ovarian reserve diminish but the viability of your eggs decreases as menopause draws closer. While maintaining your own good health is essential to your fertility it won’t stop the clock. And, P.S.-age also impacts male fertility.
- A Regular Monthly Cycle Means You Are Fertile
While irregular periods may indicate a problem with your ovulation, a regular monthly menstrual cycle does not mean you ovulate consistently. Regular periods don’t indicate the quantity or quality of your eggs either. For those under 35 who have intercourse for 12 consecutive months and don’t conceive, or those over 35 who have regular intercourse for six months, a doctor’s appointment is in order.
- Put Your Male Partner in Boxers
Contrary to popular belief comfortable underwear that holds the testicles closer to the body have no impact on male fertility. So if your guy isn’t a boxers fan that’s ok. One exception however: compression shorts. Men who wear compression shorts (bicycle shorts) and cycle regularly may experience a lower sperm count and possible an impact on sexual function.
- Just Relax!
Ok stress does have some impact on fertility, but it’s not as cut-and-dried as relaxing yourself to pregnancy. Both men and women see an impact on fertility when they’re under significant stress. When a woman is under a lot of stress, career-wise, relationship, trying to conceive, that stress may disrupt her hormones to the point ovulation is affected. Stress also has an affect on libido which means you may find yourself less likely to have sex as regularly as necessary to conception. But in and of itself stress doesn’t not “cause” infertility.
It’s always wise to prioritize your mental health and self-care. For those struggling with the stress of infertility, there are healthy ways to cope. Here are some suggestions.
- You Stayed on The Pill (or Ring or Patch) Too Long
Hormonal birth control does not cause infertility, no matter how long you’ve been using it. The pill, the ring and the patch all use hormones to prevent ovulation. Once you halt this form of contraception ovulation returns to normal. Hormonal birth control, whatever method you choose, stops ovulation but only temporarily while you use them.
- You Just Waited Too Long
As long as you haven’t experienced menopause (no period for a full year) there is still a possibility you’ll conceive. Yes, fertility absolutely decreases with age however through assisted reproductive technology pregnancy is possible. Women who are over 40 and trying to conceive without success should contact LA IVF and go over your options.
- You Need to Have More Sex
More frequent intercourse means more opportunities to conceive, to some extent. Timing is everything and when it comes to conceiving it’s necessary to have intercourse near the time a woman ovulates. Sperm survives in cervical fluid up to five days, and pregnancy is possible for a few days on either side of ovulation. Keep in mind that perfect timing and intercourse every other day won’t overcome fertility issues.
- Male Infertility is Genetic
There are some genetic conditions that cause male factor infertility (and female factor infertility as well) but they aren’t always passed on. If a family member received an infertility diagnosis and you’re having trouble conceiving, please alert your physician.
- Lifestyle Has No Impact on Fertility
Both men and women who have unhealthy range BMI (underweight or overweight) are at risk for fertility issues. A healthy diet and exercise help maintain a healthy weight, essential for a healthy pregnancy. Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and use of illicit drugs drastically impact male and female infertility. Medications for some chronic conditions also affect your fertility. Achieve a healthy BMI through diet and exercise, stop smoking, pull back on alcohol consumption and halt the use of illicit drugs. Speak with your doctor if you take medications for a chronic condition such as diabetes.
Let Us Give You The Facts
Dealing with infertility causes a whole range of emotions and any misconceptions only make it worse. Don’t rely on half-truths and embellished stories when it comes to your fertility. If you’re confused and concerned about your own fertility, contact the team at LA IVF today and let us help you.