Will Playing Sports Impact My Fertility?
Whether you have a standing pick-up basketball game at your local park each week or you belong to a beach volleyball league your sports participation may concern you regarding your fertility. Here we take a look at how playing sports impacts both male and female fertility. Participating in sports is a great way to get […]
Does My Weight Effect My Fertility?
fertility diet The journey to starting or growing a family looks different for every couple. Some couples conceive easily, and others try for months to years with no success. Infertility is an equally unique road to travel. Some diagnoses are easier to resolve than others. Body weight is a definite factor in a woman’s fertility. […]
8 Foods That Can Help Increase Your Partner’s Sperm Count
The average ejaculation introduces 50 million sperm into your vagina. Of those millions only a few thousand make it into the fallopian tube. Those few hundred release an enzyme that clears the way for one sperm to swim all the way up the tube and fertilize the waiting egg. The fertilized egg then makes its […]