What is Azoospermia and What Can I Do About It?
Infertility is a difficult diagnosis but for those dealing with compromised fertility, you aren’t alone. According to infertility statistics from the Centers for Disease Control, one in five women of childbearing years experience difficulty conceiving after one year of trying. Of all infertility cases worldwide male factor infertility accounts for up to 50%. The causes […]
Top 10 Fertility Misconceptions
When you’re trying to conceive without success it can be difficult to know what to do. Even the so-called internet experts and websites inundate you with false information and half-truths some of the time. Wading through the misconceptions about conception only makes you feel more confused and often hopeless. The only source of factual information […]
Could My Male Factor Infertility be Genetic?
Trying to conceive is a lot harder than it seems sometimes. Although the human race continues, it’s surprising how many things have to go right in order to become pregnant. One of the roadblocks to conception is male factor infertility. When your male partner’s sperm count is low, motility is off or there’s something not […]