Getting A Second Opinion for Infertility and IVF
When you receive a diagnosis of infertility the news can be devastating. For so long you imagined having children would be a simple endeavor and with the news that you or your partner have compromised fertility all of that becomes significantly more complicated. You need some time to digest your diagnosis and investigate your options. […]
Failed IVF? Ask an Expert
A failed IVF cycle can be devastating, and disheartening, for many. Certainly, it is a big financial commitment but, moreover, IVF requires a huge investment of time, heart, and hope. When your investment results in a failed IVF attempt you likely re-evaluate your next steps toward conceiving a child. The Reality of IVF to […]
What Should You Do When You Are Not Able to Become Pregnant?
When you choose to become pregnant it can be an exciting, and sometimes scary endeavor. Like a well-choreographed dance you give up harmful vices, like alcohol, and opt for a cleaner, healthier lifestyle. You make note of your menstrual cycle, timing intercourse for that optimum period of ovulation. You may even attempt a post-sex handstand […]
Celiac Disease, Gluten Allergy, Recurrent Miscarriage and Infertility:
Celiac disease is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the intestine with varying degrees of gluten intolerance and may be associated with recurrent miscarriage and infertility. Gluten insensitivity or allergy may not cause significant intestinal inflammation as in the case of celiac disease and its impact on fertility is most likely not significant. Common complaints with […]
Failed IVF cycle: What’s next?
It’s frustrating to get the “negative beta” call from the IVF coordinator/doctor after taking injections for a few weeks, undergoing egg retrieval, and embryo transfer. Whereas most IVF failures are due to the abnormalities of the embryos transferred, other variables have to be carefully looked at prior to the next attempt. Both the embryo and the […]
Reproductive Age and Fertility Outcome
Women are born with a finite number of eggs (1-2 million in both ovaries at birth) and at the time of puberty the total number decreases to approximately 500,000. At age 37, there are approximately 25,000 eggs left in the ovaries and less than 500 at the time of menopause. A monthly process of using […]