The New Normal: 4 Future Trends in Fertility
Science sees to it that innovations in every area of medicine are possible everyday by bringing technology to the forefront. As more and more couples postpone parenthood, fertility rates continue declining in this country and around the world. IVF and other fertility treatments help those couples and individuals who, for whatever reason, cannot conceive the […]
Adenomyosis. Does It Impact Fertility?
Adenomyosis is a condition that impacts the lives of as many as one-third of child-bearing aged women in the US, although some reports state as many as 70% of all women may have this excruciating condition. Adenomyosis presents with symptoms that include painful, heavy periods, abnormally lengthy periods, pronounced pelvic pain and painful intercourse. Adenomyosis […]
What’s the Process for Same-Sex Male Couples Who Want to Have a Child?
As a same-sex male couple, you know your path to parenthood looks different than it does for heterosexual couples. Biology alone makes that obvious! But that doesn’t mean you and your partner can’t become parents. Through advanced reproductive medicine you do have options. Here’s a peek inside the process for same-sex male couples who want […]