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Archive: Tag: fertility treatment

How Can Your Loved Ones Support Your IVF Journey?

Family, friends, acquaintances and work colleagues are constant reminders of your fertility struggle. It’s a much clichéd joke that people begin asking “when are you having a baby?” at your wedding reception. And most couples field that inquiry at each and every family, social and work gathering. It’s never easy to manage others’ expectations, especially […]

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8 Ways to Keep Active Throughout IVF

Going through fertility treatment is a wild ride of emotions. One day you’re upbeat and filled with hope and the next you feel as though a dark cloud looms over your head. These are normal feelings and you should expect them all along your journey.   8 Healthy Activities For Body and Mind Keeping your […]

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Can Exercise Help Me on My Fertility Journey

Exercise is as much a part of your health and wellness as diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. A brisk walk or bike ride, cardio kickboxing, yoga and strength-training are all great ways to get in shape and manage stress. But what about exercise during your fertility journey? Can it help? Will it interfere with […]

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Uterine Polyps and Miscarriages

Uterine polyps, also called endometrial polyps, are small soft growths inside of a woman’s uterus. Kind of like a skin tag, uterine polyps are an overgrowth of tissue from the endometrium or lining, of the uterus. They vary in size with some as small as a chia seed and others as large as golf balls. […]

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How to Prepare For Egg Retrieval

One of the more exciting times for those on a fertility journey is the egg retrieval. But it isn’t without some trepidation. If you don’t know what to expect you are likely more anxious and a bit unsettled as the procedure approaches. Knowing what to expect is the best way to calm your fears and […]

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What is OHSS and How to Minimize the Risk

Fertility treatment is an answer to the prayers, hopes and dreams of many couples and individuals experiencing infertility. IUI, IVF and cryopreservation of your eggs all involve ovarian stimulation. When your physician provides medication to encourage your ovaries to produce mature eggs it’s known as ovarian stimulation. While these treatments are highly successful, they are […]

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Are There Herbs to Naturally Support My Fertility Treatment?

In the last few decades the traditional western approach to medicine combined with naturopathic medicine proved to be successful in treating many conditions. Naturopathic medicine uses natural remedies such as herbs, supplements, acupuncture and nutrition as a means of helping the body heal itself. But what are the benefits of herbal supplements to fertility? And […]

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How Acupuncture Complements Your Fertility Treatment

When it comes to assisted reproductive technology (ART) doctors and researchers strive to come up with new, innovative and successful techniques to support treatment such as IVF. The goal is to improve your chances for a positive outcome and help you achieve your dream of growing your family. Modern medicine is chock-full of treatments for […]

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Can Chinese Herbal Medicine Boost My Fertility?

An inability to get pregnant on your own is usually connected to an underlying condition. With the intervention of a fertility specialist and a course of treatment, many couples go on to conceive, either through a few courses of fertility medication, surgery or a procedure such as IVF. Today more and more physicians are incorporating […]

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Determining How Genetics Affects Your Fertility

Genetics is of interest for many reasons. When you plan your future family, you wonder what traits your children may take from you, your partner and your other relatives. Will your daughter have your grandmother’s curly hair? Is your son doomed to inherit Uncle Charlie’s nose? Of course, it’s all in good fun, and your […]

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