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Archive: Tag: fertility diet

7 Ways to Stay Healthy While You Wait for Optimal Fertility Days

If your periods are regular and you’ve figured out the time you ovulate then you might already know the optimum time to conceive is those few days before you ovulate. Sperm lives up to five days in the female body and planning intercourse those few days prior to ovulation offers the best chance for conception. […]

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Common Misconceptions About Fertility Health, Debunked

You can’t always trust what you read on the internet or what you hear from a well-intentioned family member, friend, coworker or stranger. Those statements are never more true than when you question your fertility health. So many misconceptions float around that we thought it was high time to debunk the worst of them, explain […]

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8 Ways You Can Boost Your Fertility

After months of trying without success, you’re willing to try just about anything to increase your odds for conception. Naturally you should schedule a fertility evaluation with your doctor, but there are some things you can do that will boost your fertility naturally. Here’s our list of 8 medically approved ways you can boost your […]

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7 Ways to Boost Male Fertility

According to statistics published by the Office on Women’s Health, about 6 million, or 10%, of the female population of childbearing age, experience infertility. However, infertility is not just a “woman thing”. About a third of all diagnoses of infertility are male factor. That means the male partner experiences issues with sperm health, due to […]

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Steps You Can Take Today to Boost Your Fertility

As defined fertility is the ability to produce offspring. And the American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists (ACOG) defines infertility as an inability to conceive after twelve consecutive months of trying through regular sexual intercourse without birth control or six months for those over 35. If you’re trying to conceive and not having any success […]

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The Ultimate Guide to Healthy Eating While Going Through IVF

Eating healthy foods is one of the best forms of self-care around. Feeding your body wholesome and nourishing foods helps ward off obesity, certain diseases and chronic conditions such as hypertension and diabetes. What’s more you just feel better when your body is well-nourished by the right foods. There’s no more important time to adhere […]

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Popular Smart Fitness Home Gym Classes and Your Fertility

Premium home workout equipment, aka Smart Gyms, exploded in popularity during the pandemic and the trend doesn’t seem to be dying down. The ease of having necessary equipment just a few steps away, combined with fun, exciting trainers means you’re more apt to workout. And your virtual classes run the gamut, including everything from boxing […]

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Does Being Underweight Affect Fertility

Fertility and Obesity

Infertility impacts around ten percent of the population in the US. There are myriad reasons why those of childbearing age experience difficulties becoming pregnant. Both female factor infertility and male factor infertility stem from many different conditions and sometimes both partners contribute to infertility. Even more frustrating? A diagnosis of unexplained infertility. Sometimes your fertility […]

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Does Being Obese Interfere with Fertility?

Obesity is a major health concern in the U.S. The obesity rate for Americans ages 15 and over is a staggering 42.4%. Researchers predict that number will creep past 50% in the next decade. And with it any related and potentially life-limiting conditions such as hypertension, diabetes and heart disease. You already know the list […]

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Does My Weight Effect My Fertility?

 fertility diet The journey to starting or growing a family looks different for every couple. Some couples conceive easily, and others try for months to years with no success. Infertility is an equally unique road to travel. Some diagnoses are easier to resolve than others. Body weight is a definite factor in a woman’s fertility. […]

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